I was thinking today, if i were to make a list of my friends that list would be quite long. But after I asked these question to myself, what is a friend? what makes a person a friend? For me, after thinking for a bit i had my answer. I've gone threw some serious things in my life and when i thought i had "friends" it turned out that i only had people that found me to a conveniace (forgive my spelling). I give people rides when they need them, buy someones meal if they hit a low spot, do random acts of kindness, be there for the shoulder to cry on, i'm the person they can vent too and also give advice when they ask for it or appropriate to give. You see for me friendship means more then just hanging out, or "hey i know you" type of thing. I can hang out with a bum or some stranger at walmart (who hasn't done that...hehe), doesn't make them my friend. To me a friend is someone that isn't afraid to tell you how it is. A friend is someone that knows how to make you laugh. A friend is someone you can sit down at a table and talk for hours over a cup of coffee or tea. A friend is someone that would go out of their way to do something for you without complaints. A friend will stick by your side reguardless what everyone else says. A friend that is willing to go to the hospital and visit you or if your in jail. A friend is someone that you can sit in a car and no one says a word and not feel weird. A friend is there in the good and bad times. A friend is someone you can fight with and in five minutes it's like nothing happened. Now that's a friend... Of course there is more then what i've written but even after what i've wrote you ask yourself "who are your friends?" I don't know about you but my list became really small. I can count them on my hands. I do charish my friends and i know that the friends that i have are my friend for life. no matter where they live or how far... their still close to my heart.
Friends are my life! Without them I would not be who I am today!
Makes me think of the Toy Story song..."You've Got a Friend in Me!"
<3 Santa
Me, at 8:13 AM
OMG... you I have people that wrote comments! You guys really made my day. I was just thinging... no one reads my site... and low and behold i have 2 comments! look at them 2! lol wow. Thanks guys for you really kind words. it means alot especially now... im sick to the bones. sore throat, coughing, chest hurts, feel weak... yuk. Thanks for reading. Now i feel more motivated to write more frequently. :)
SANTA, at 12:44 AM
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