
Virtue of Wisdom

Monday, March 07, 2005

feel like doo doo...

Wow, you go to bed one night feeling fine and wake up the next morning with a sore throat, feeling weak, coughing, and the worst of all with a HUGE FRECKEN HEADACHE!!! I mean seriously! come on now. Anywho i couldn't even get up for church this morning when my alarm went off. I slept til lunch was ready, took a shower and joined my family. There are good things about being sick though. I normally don't watch tv at all maybe the occasionaly emeril live or rachel ray, who i would love to date, she's a hottie...shhhh. Anywho i acctually have the chance to be a couch potatoe. SO I watch my favorite stations, food network and home and garden, and one of the shows i watch was generation renevation which gave me a bunch of good ideas for my house that i've been wanting to start drawing. They showed a couple of guys that remodeled this old house and they made it look pretty cool. I love taking something that when people look at it their totally don't care for it and then I remodel it and then they start to drool and want it. lol. Makes me feel great! Anywho with me being sick i can posibble start drawing my house. Unless i get distracted like I always do... hopefully not. Well, i better get some rest.


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