
Virtue of Wisdom

Thursday, April 28, 2005

AIM can be a good thing

AIM is a amazing thing at times. I had a great discussion with elisha last night on aim. I went to church last night and after i left i was bothered by some chirstain attitudes that i've ran into lately. I've just noticed that christains seem to be not so forgiving to fello christians if they "sin." So i was on aim venting to elisha (thanks again) about this. What is different if a fello christain messes up or a druggie, for example, being forgiven by christ? To me they both need the love of christ and support of brothers and sisters in christ. I remember a sermon where our pastor used an anaology of a bunch of bikers, stripper, drug addicts, and others that would come in the service and sit with them. What would the church do? what should the church do? The pastor went on saying that we should love, comfort, encourage, and be friend them. Then the church would amen and applaud him. Later, a couple of weeks after that sermon, a fello christain "falls" and they shun him and look down on him. Ignore his very presence. That just chapped my hide! I don't know what kind of bible your reading but the one that I read my bible says that if a brother in christ falls into sin to restore him into the kingdom. My bible also says that love covers a multitude of sin. My bible also says that even though we've been unfaithful he remains faithful because he can not deny himself. I strongly believe that what makes christianity what christianity is, is being christ like. What is "being christ like?" Living and acting like christ. What christ did was eat with sinners, spoke to them, prayed for them, healed them, feed them, and most of all loved them with a unconditionaly love. That my friends is what christianity is. That is the life we need to pursue. I pray that all of us will make that our goal. To live the life and run a good race for christ.


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