
Virtue of Wisdom

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

2 more days...

Today was a intresting day to say the least. Did alot of running around, paying bills (expensive, gosh!), hung out with some great friends for the evening. We had a good time talking and busting out laughing. I of course got put to work like i normally do and made some milk shakes. We also later played some "Gears of war" with the drummer from jimmy eat world. That was a blast. Lots of laughs. Also got to talk a bit with my good friend jame's girlfriend in cali. I'm glad he found someone that likes him as much as he likes her. I'm happy for him, but yet when i think about crap like that I just get bummed. Meh... I think after this up coming year is over, i'm going to move away if i don't find someone. And don't write this bullshit about "wait on God..." and all that other "churchy" slogans. God has had many a years that were dedicated to him and he had time. Now he has a year. After that, i'm leaving everything behind, starting new, fresh, somewhere where the girls aren't such asses and chase douchbags, losers, cheater, lazy bums. Girls here wouldn't know a good guy if it got shoved up their ass. Anywho, 2 more days til I leave to colorado. God i can't wait to leave this place. It's a great place to live if your married but balls. Atleast in colorado i get to be in the "wild" and think about stuff, relax, enjoy my singlness and all those ladies that said no to come on the trip, you missed out. I also won't ask the girls i've asked to go on this trip to do anything else. so don't expect me to call you. The road can't be a one way street. That's what's going to be the difference from the years past to the years in the future. I've been there for my friends that needed me and seems like time and time again the ones i help keep letting me down. No, more! It's stoping after this year. Your not there for me, don't even bother me with your calls. Screw you, screw off. I've put up with all that shit way to long. I'm also going to look after number 1. Don't like it, tough. Go call someone that care a flip. The one's that stayed with me through thick and thin, were there in my times when i was in the valley and when i was on the mountain. Those are the ones that will still get the benefits of the "Sandor" that people love and respect. Well i think i've said enough to piss some people off and make others think. No more one way streets...


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