Get OUT!
Ok, i'm feed up with the whole illegal immigration arguement. It has NOTHING to do with race, it has nothing to do with being insensitive. It's about breaking our laws, it's about stealing from the american people, it's about crippling the econemy of the bordering states, it's about security, it's about keeping this country safe. I'm not going to tolorate any more morons feeding me this trash about being insensitive, being racist, being closed minded. You know what shut the hell up douchbag! Insensitive?! INSENSITIVE!?! I call it passionate about protecting this country that i love and the people in it. What about their insensitivity to our laws? Their coming here like crazy, and you what i don't blame them. BUT there is a process to coming here. We have laws that are ment to be followed. I'm amazed that liberals are so quick to sypathize with law breakers, criminals more like it. Lets not water this down. They not only come here as criminals but they drive our southern boardering states into debt destroying the health care system for american citizens that truely need it. I'm so disgusted with the politicians, i want to throw up. If there here illegally, they need to be taken back. If they want to come here, they need to do the process like everyone else. The amnesty bill, don't even think about it. That's trash, that's not a solution, that's just encouraging them to come across our borders. Neil Boortz had a great idea which i agree with. Put in place sever punishments to those that hire illegals, house them, and create false documents. If they want to come work here, companies that want to hire them go to a private agency and that agency get those workers to the company in america. The company pays them coming here and back, housing, food, and pays the agency for the workers labor. Then when the workers have returned to thier country the agency pays the worker. You can also only get your workers visa if you go back to your country to get it. Simple, straight to the point, i like it.
Jesus would be so proud of your "love one another" attitude.
Anonymous, at 11:53 AM
Yes he would, actually. Thanks for your sacractic compliment. But yes he would.
SANTA, at 10:43 PM
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