
Virtue of Wisdom

Friday, July 13, 2007

What is the Reason?

Well guys it's been a long time since i've thought about life and particularly my life. You get so caught up in the daily grind that you totally forget to review your goals in life, why your doing what you are, what was the motion for you to even start what you are doing, and most importantly how are you and God doing? Those questions have been boggling my mind as of late. So i have been thinking about that last question the most and why now, i'm not sure. I know that i'm no where near where i would like to be, not that there is a limit to the closeness of God. You know when you would be sitting in church and they do a alter call? Well, i don't get any emotion or feeling when people respond or people get saved. I remember days when i used to get tears in my eyes and pray while they made the ulter call for those that are recieving christ as their lord and savior. Now, i just clap when everyone else does and call it a day. Seems to me my spunk is gone, my spark, my fuel, my fire, my desire, my passion to know him more and to be know by him. My life has been a jumble of emotions, like today for example, i was angry when i got up. Not sure why? Seemed like anything people said i responded in a rude manner, it wasn't intentional, it just came out like that. So as i realized this i started to think before i spoke. It could be just one of those days, who knows besidesd God. I know that I gotta start putting God back in the focus of my life. When you put him back in the picture, God will take care of the problems, he will supply all your needs, he will protect you from the storm, he will lift you when you fall, he will heal you when your sick, he will give you comfort through the thick times of life. THIS is the God i server, so why have I lost this prospective? I'm not sure? But the prospective is changing, changing slowly, but changing.


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