A blah day...
My day started out kinda of on a bad foot. I woke up at 6:15am took a shower and when i got all finished i was wanting to leave but nooo! I can't find my keys! Where i put them i didn't remember until I finally remembered that i took them with me when i rode with my brother. I left my keys in his truck. How awesome is that. Now the search began for my spare. I found it in the most obvious spot. yup, the key rack...lol. For some reason it was the last place i look. Anywho i was already 20 min. late since i told brandon i was going to be there at 6:50am. Anywho after the movie, which was good, we went and ate at belgium waffle house. I finally feed my craving for waffles. They were ok, nothing impressive. I think i could probably make better ones. The cool thing was the fellowship that we had. It was just nice to go out with a bunch of awesome people to chat over food. I mean what's better the food and a good conversation? After that i went and brought andrew a Caramel Macchiato as a thankyou for helping the show go so well. We talked for about an hour and then he needed to go "drop the kids off at the pole" so i decided to leave. I was tired anyways. After that i pretty much just stayed at home. Didn't do anything else. Daniel called me and wanted to do something but i told him that i was going to go out later but those plans changed also. They wanted a girls thing. Obivously im not a girl...lol...or am i? Some may argue i am. Long story. Anywho...im here. Doing nothing. Slept too much. I'm so awake now. *sigh*

Eating at the belgium waffle house after SW III

Eating at the belgium waffle house after SW III

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