What is the worst thing that you have ever waited for? I must say that I waited in line to ride a roller coaster for 2.5 hours but no that's not the worst. I've waited in line at wal-mart for who knows how long but that's not the worst. I've waited in line at the DMV for 40 min. but that's not the worst either! so you ask me "what is the worst thing to wait for?" For me is waiting for my wife. I have been waiting for her since i was born. Countless hours i've spent wondering of her beauty, her spontaneous effectionate love, her ingenious nature, her spectacular smile, her soft touch, her soft lips, her soft skin or how ever so softly wake me up from a deep sleep with a soft kiss or a gentle touch. Yes, i've spent alot of time thinking about her and who she might be. I've looking on mountain tops and looked in the muddy valley. Crawling on my hands and knees tring to seek for the one that shares the same passionate love that i feel towards her. Does this love subsist? Yes it's out there... where? I have no clue. I've ferreted for what seems unnumbered days, hours, minutes, and seconds. But no more. I will be still. My search is done. I will wait for her. Patiently waiting for God to bring her by. Don't get me wrong, I didn't give up. I'm just allowing God do the work like he intended from the very begining. Patience is a virtue everyone must learn. That is something i've learned.
Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it a bunch! I don't know why some don't comment. I know people read it. Sigh...oh well. I enjoy posting aways. I do know some that just don't want to sign up to comment. No biggie. Thanks again.
SANTA, at 12:37 AM
You know what they say about things come when you least expect it ;) I'd have to say I agree to that WHOLEHEARTEDLY 'cuz that's how I found Rick...or how he found me. :) Hang in there!
Chunky Monkey, at 2:47 PM
Thanks monkey monkey. By the way those pictures are from a near by park.
SANTA, at 4:26 PM
I think you have your head on straight.
My friends and I, before we were all married, used to joke when we were out and about: "Have you seen my wife?" "What? You're married?" "No. Not yet. I'm still looking for her. Just wondering if you had seen her. She's about 5'8", brown hair, real pretty, etc."
I already posted the following as a response on another blog to the same topic: wanting your future husband/wife to hurry up and get here. Sorry for the repost, but I thought you might find it applicable...
Sometimes I think the more you want to meet the one the less likely it is to happen. I don't know why that is. Maybe it is God telling us to chill out a bit. Or maybe we get so caught up in wanting to find the right one that we are not really being ourselves and thus appear differently than we are to others. Maybe that attracts the wrong people?
I didn't marry until I was in my early 30s. My wife and I went from first date to married in 11 months because we knew it was right. It was worth the wait. No contest. If I could go back and time and give my younger self some advice it would be to not rush things -- to enjoy dating and meeting people along the way to the alter.
When I was dating before I was married, I eventually realized that I was often judging the success of a relationship based on whether or not I got married. But then it occurred to me that every relationship I had up until I got married would have to be classified as a failure. That couldn’t be true! There were some really great people I spent time with during the dating years. Now I realize that every single one of those relationships shaped who I am and contributed to making my marriage successful.
I see some parallels to wanting to live for God. Those living for God often want BIG assignments. “Please God, give me something monumental to do and be a part of in your Name.” But God often spends years building our character with “smaller” tasks before He lets us handle something grand. The Bible is full of such examples.
So I would offer to you that maybe God is building your character so when He brings you and the right one together it will work out. Who knows, maybe the person He intends to pair you with isn’t ready for you. Maybe He needs to build that person’s character a bit before you two can get along. It’s only something that God can do. I remember how hard it is to wait. But it will be worth it.
X, at 7:07 AM
Thanks for your post guys, i didn't realize that i had comments. Thanks again X for your post and Katerine. It's encouraging to me more then anything to have friends by my side that lift me up. :)
SANTA, at 12:05 AM
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