
Virtue of Wisdom

Monday, September 05, 2005

Magic touch

Today I went to the last baseball game of the season. I really didn't want to go, but decided to go because i haven't seen the ball park. Curiosity got the best of me. I actually liked it because it reminds me of the old ball parks they used to have. I felt like i was in the early days. Unfortunately the game wasn't like that at all. This game was a blow out. The cardnials gave up 7 runs in the first inning. I don't know what they were thinking. They also changed out the pitcher alot, according to zoe and I they were rotationg 5 pitchers. I think that's a sigh to buy a new pitcher or something because that game was just nasty. They tried to come back but it just never clicked with the cardnials. One thing that did click though was my touch with babies. I played with my niece alex for a while and she was getting tired so i put her to sleep in about 10min. or so. Then Katherine volunteered me to put another ladies baby to sleep because he was 2 hours past his sleeping time. So i said sure. It took me just 5 minutes to put him to sleep. It just doesn't matter what the weather is, how loud it is, how cold or even hot it is. I can put them to sleep in no time flat. I think it might be the fact that im warm and they like that, or just being in my arms they feel safe and not threatened, or could be my swaying. I not sure exactly what it is but I can do it and it works. The funny thing is that people were wanting me to put their babies to sleep after they saw me put the other 2 babies to sleep. Anywho, im falling asleep as i type this so i think that might be and indicator that i might need some rest. Or is it?


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