
Virtue of Wisdom

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Wally world *edited*

Have you ever gone to walmart and stood in a long line instead of of going through the self check out line because your just feeling lazy?

Have you ever gone to walmart and played the "penis game?"

Have you ever gone to walmart and have the check lady/guy hit on you?

Have you ever gone to walmart and totally forgot what you were going to buy?

Have you ever gone to walmart all dirty and smelly with bodywash/soap, deoderant, and a loofah/washcloth in your hand waiting to check out?

Have you ever gone to walmart and there was only a few customers?



  • Gosh, give me a break it's my third language. gesh. hehe.

    Which ones did you do? And what else have you done that i didn't list? I've done some others but those were just a few.

    By Blogger SANTA, at 9:21 PM  

  • Here ya go...

    1. Logan (fellow gamer friend of yours that is one of my employees) giggles every time your name is brought up and feels the need to inform me about Counter-Strike. He started calling you SAND-or and I told him not to but he keeps doing it. You should beat him up.
    2. Lord of the Rings: FOTR that or Charlie's Angels. I remember you drooling over those stupid Cameron Diaz pins. Hehe, that movie was so lame.
    3. Orange.
    4. "Oh my gosh. You DO look like Velma!" I hate you for that.
    5. It was the first time I was closing concession and you came back to check my work. You ran your hand across the counter and said that it was not clean enough and made me stay an extra 15 minutes to re-clean the counters. Gr.
    6. I'm going to have to go with Switchfoot's "Meant To live". Whenever I got onto your web site I hear that song. That song is aweeeesome.
    On a side note: I almost went with Cadet's "God-Man!" but it didn't quite fit you.
    7. Who was your favorite employee when you worked at the 8? Was it Amanda? I bet it was. I hate you...

    By Blogger Landing in London, at 1:28 PM  

  • Laura hates me, i think? Not quite sure.... *scratches head*

    By Blogger SANTA, at 3:02 PM  

  • Oh Sandor you know I love you!

    By Blogger Landing in London, at 9:44 PM  

  • :D

    By Blogger SANTA, at 9:56 PM  

  • ...bah. wal-mart.


    there's evil at wal-mart.. pure, concentrated evil. as a matter of fact, i think they sell it in the frozen section. by the grape juice.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:24 PM  

  • ah yes...i knew something fishy was going on in walmart i just didn't know what it was...*twilight zone song*

    By Blogger SANTA, at 12:44 AM  

  • Is this annie annie? If so..the HELLOOOOOO THERE!

    By Blogger SANTA, at 12:50 AM  

  • of course it's me, silly. :)

    how've you been?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:26 AM  

  • As you can read in my blog annie life has it's ups and downs but at the moment there was something that didn't quite go as i wanted but life is still climbing up. Kinda gave up on the boat sorta speak. I'll explain it to you when we hang out.

    By Blogger SANTA, at 3:33 PM  

  • Um, what's the "penis game", Sandor?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:49 AM  

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