Just wow...
Well today was another intresting day. Started off by getting woken up by chad and picking up his 4 wheeler for the dealer. Branspanken new 2006 4-wheel. Really sweet. After that we headed off to the football game where MSU and Indiana state played. Close game all the way to the end. MSU pulled on off with 28 seconds left on the clock and got it to make a touchdown. Very exciting game. Final score 31-27. At the begining of the game it was nice a warm but as the sun started to move away and make shade it was frecken cold! My butt was so numb that i couldn't feel it and my legs were freezing even with a blanket. Anywho after that chad and I worked on my car and got my new water pump on but we still have to put the pulley wheel on and the belt. Working hard on the car kinda makes you hungry to I bought chad and daniel G. dinner for helping out. We the later changed and went downtown. All i have to say about downtown is Wow! And chad, daniel and I decided that we're dressing up next year. I think im going to go with the santa outfit with a whip. Haven't made my decision offical yet though. :) Ok folks til next time!
Is it ok to hate? Hate can be Funny sometimes. This guy did it.
Anonymous, at 11:07 PM
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