
Virtue of Wisdom

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Kiss American Girls Good-bye!

My title for this post is correct. I've talked to many girls in my days and to me seems like American girls are very shallow. Too into themselves, too "me" oriented, and very immature. There is something more attractive about girls overseas. They make more sense when they talk and you can actually have great conversations with them. As far as i'm concerned i'm done with American chicks. Overseas chicks here i come! Speaking of which i can't wait to leave for a long time and just be able to chill. Anywho back to the topic at hand. To me and other friends i've spoken with foreign girls have more common sense about things. Especailly about relationships. When you hear them talk about relationships it's like getting a breath of fresh air. They pretty much tell you things up front and like to tell you where they stand. American girls, not so much. Too much bullshit, too many games, and once again... too much bullshit. I'm through with that. IF by some chance i run into some american girl that isn't like this, I, for one, will be shocked, and two, i'll have my doubts. BUT it could be possible. Blah, it's late, i need some sleep. That's all for now.


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