ups and downs..
Why do things go well for a while, just enough for you to see the light at the end of the tunnel. To give you this glimps of hope of some sort and then, things get bummpy? I know why, I just felt like asking that question because I have been seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and then some stupid thing comes along to dampen the light... I don't just venting. I would like to stand on the moutain top for a few minutes that's all. It seems like i've been climbing and the climb is never ending. Stronger, yes, i do get, losing hope, nah, frustrated, yeah, excited, of course but i just feel blah. I'm just rambling im going to read, maybe some prayer will clean things up, maybe a good nights rest, who know...we'll see. Just in a blah mood. I could use a hug.
/me huggles Santa!
Me, at 4:14 AM
Thanks tune.
SANTA, at 10:01 AM
Thank you Katherine! *hugs*
SANTA, at 9:14 AM
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