My prayer...
Father, I don't even know where to start. I have so many things on my mind that I have taken my mind off of you and placed on these "things" that are just insignificant when it come to you. Father i just want you to hold me. I know that in your arms alone i can be sheltered for the rain and the pain that come threw our daily lives. Jesus your the strength that keeps me on my feet when im weak. Father your everything to me. How can i not give you the glory and the honor after all the things you've done for me. How dare I not lift my voice and sing your praise and shout Hallelujahs! You know what father when i layed on my death bed, you were my healer, strong tower. When i was in trouble father you were my defender and comforter. When i had no one to turn to YOU were the friend that stuck close then a brother. How can i not praise you and lift up your name and give you glory! who am i not shout out to you lord? Father hold me, keep me in your arms of comfort and protection. You love me so much that died on the cross for me and you keep your angels of protection around me. Father when I make mistakes you are there to pick me up and clean me off. Father can you hold me? Hold me in your arms of grace. Because with out you Lord, my world collapses and there is nothing left. Father when i lay in bed at night and cry your there to comfort me through the pain because you care for me like no other. You don't care what i've done, where i've been you still love me. I can't even measure your love that you have bestowed upon me and the grace. Father without you I have no joy, no peace, no shelter, no corner stone, no friend, no convictor, no lawyer, no healer, nothing. Your EVERYTHING to me father. You forgave my sins and you know Lord I had alot of sins. I just want to say Thank you jesus! Father when i was in a financial bind you were my provider. I just want to say Thank you Jesus. Father when my friends left me you were a friend when there was no other friend. I just want to say Thank you jesus! Jesus when I'm alone and feeling down, your there with peace and joy. For that I say Thank you jesus. I love you Lord for you holding me in your arms. Thank you jesus. Thank you.
That is so true.
SANTA, at 2:04 PM
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