Get away!
Gosh, have you ever felt like you just need to get the hell out? Just leave somewhere for a few days? Man, I've never wanted to move more in my life. I never wanted to leave springfield more in my life! Anywhere... just NOT here. I'm just tired, worn out, exhusted, emotionally reached my limit, my body can't take no more! Especially with a big job ahead..i can't leave. Stuck here in this wretched place. No where to run or hide. Who can I turn to, to help? God? yes! Great answer! Thanks though, I'm doing that. I have prayed and prayed and to me it just seems to get worse. Well then someone might say "well it usually gets worse before it gets better." Blah blah blah.... Sometimes you just need a person to unload on and the person you want to talk to, you can't. What perplexing situation im in. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. What to do? where to turn? What to say?
Baby Jesus love you.
Landing in London, at 10:57 PM
Oh laura! I miss you girl. :( *hugs laura*
SANTA, at 11:23 PM
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