
Virtue of Wisdom

Monday, August 08, 2005

Time away...

Yes! I get to get out of this town! I can't wait. Don't know if I'll have money to spend but i'm hoping i'll get some before i leave. I get to see two of my friends i haven't seen ever, but i've know them for years!


I went to the lake Saturday and had a BLAST! I rode my jetski and took richie (?) with me and jumped a few waves. Then later went tubing. We did the double tubs at first and that was superlicous except for the fact that every time the boat turned the other tube was right on top of us or bumping into As fun as that was it doesn't beat Derek and I tubing together. We stayed on forever, until we were just too tired to hold on any longer. While we were tubing though it got really cloudy and as soon as we pulled up to the dock it poured rain! I mean POURED rain! Anywho later that evening Chad and I met up with his mom, dad, little brother Jonathan, Jonathan's girlfriend, and Zoi chad's sister. We went and saw the tractor-pull. VERY loud i may say, but exciting. After having our ear drums blasted we walked around the fair and zoi, jonathan, chad and I were making fun of the people at the fair. We went past some very smelly people....ewww. I mean bad! Lots of people there. While I was walking zoi was next to me and some girl bumped into me and she said "oops, sorry." and zoi shouted back "Do that again and I'll knock you on your face!" LOL... I just busted out laughing... she's hilarious. All in all it was a great day!


Sunday was a ok day to start off. I actually showed up to church on time, which was great. So my day actually started out pretty good and just got better. I then went home to lunch and my nephew saw me pull up and flung open the door and said "your hair looks cool sandor!" He's sooo adorable. I then said thank you buddy. I walk through the door and my sister complimented me on my hair also and told me I look thinner. Man, that there just made my day! After eating lunch i went to help at the school to paint. My brother and I were incharge of painting the gym and while he painted the top i typed, primed, and painted a double door red. I liked the red. After many hours working at the school, daniel gave me a call and told me i have to go by his house and pick up the rootbeer he brought me from the fair. What a great friend. Picked up my rootbeer and went home, took a shower, and meet some friends at my house to go to dereks for some food and cake. MAN, that was fun. We played some ping pong with brandon (and won :p) and ate food. LOTS of fruit! I LOVE fruit. Anywho, we were trying to get some spades going so i was explaining to zoi how to play and she was like "I'm not playing cards... i don't like card sounds complicated." So forth and so on but i finally managed to "con" her to play, as she put it. I told her it's easier to play and learn then to try explaining it. After we played a couple of hands she did fine. She said we have to play some more so she can get the hang of it, which im cool with because i LOVE spades. After we finished loosing to derek's mom and brandon, we watch a couple of funny clips on brandon's apple computer. Good times, good times. We finally left at around 1am while derek's mom was still trying to feed us and asking us to come back. She's so awesome. I really felt at home. You don't get that very often. It was great to see brandon and leanne also. I miss them. They remind me of another awesome couple that I hung out with while I was a youth sponser at praise. Anywho...I don't know how to end, so i'll just end it with the famous words of Paul Harvey..."And that's the rest of the story!"


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