Monday we had a family get together and of course i had no clue we were having one. I seem to be left out of the loop on many things but that's not why im writing. I just wanted to show my neice victoria to you guys. She's a cute. She likes to sleep a lot and she's been a really good baby too.
I had my other niece Alex there too who was having the time of her life crawling all over the place and walking with some help. Jasmine was there too but they left before I could snap some pictures of her.

Their soo cute. I can picture them going shopping together at the mall. Uncle sandor will of course have to spoil them too. I told my family "The cool thing with having soo many nieice and nephews is by the time they grow up i'll have baby sitters at hand..hehe. " They then responded with "By that time they will be married and have kids of their own." lol. They were joking of course but still...ouch. Here are the rest of my nephews and nieces.

Jasmine (left)
Josh (right)

The lovely Abby (above)

Simon (right)
Adrian (below)

As you can tell they are alot of fun! I love them all very much!
oh, sandor.. :) those pictures are absolutely adorable.
soo cute.
as for me moving to columbia.. yeah, i'm giving it some pretty serious thought. i just think it would be better for me to start fresh somewhere else. there's so much here that frustrates me.. school, work.. ..y'know. all of it. i thought maybe if i could just kinda.. start over, then it would help.
but we'll see- it wouldn't be 'til may anyway, and.. a lot can happen in 8 months.
Anonymous, at 9:25 AM
Thank you so much annie. They're aweseome kids. I love them so much! Aww... that's a total bummer. I hope in the nest 8 months you change your mind. I don't want you to leave, and i'm sure there are others. I vote for a stay. :)
SANTA, at 11:48 AM
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