Lets do a vote.
Ok, ok, i have been getting some comments about my goatee so i want to put a vote on it.

Vote yes, to keep the goatee and reason why.
Vote no, to NOT keep the goatee and reason why.
Let the voting begin!
A "Yes" or a "No" is exceptable (with explenation of course) but a "yes and no" is not. *cough* melody *cough*

Vote yes, to keep the goatee and reason why.
Vote no, to NOT keep the goatee and reason why.
Let the voting begin!
A "Yes" or a "No" is exceptable (with explenation of course) but a "yes and no" is not. *cough* melody *cough*
No. Um, cause I like you without a goatee? Is that a good enough reason? I actually don't know...
Anonymous, at 8:02 AM
No...it makes you look old. I'm not trying to hit on you or anything by saying this or be flirty, but i think you look more attractive without it. I just think you would get more ladies without one. haha! That is if you want more ladies. ;o) I'd probably also have to see you in person to judge it better. anyway.....talk to you later dude.
Anonymous, at 9:29 PM
Ha ha ha... it's ok courtney if you think im attractive..hehe. Shhh... your secrets safe with me. :)
SANTA, at 11:11 PM
You look like "evil Sandor" from bazarro world. I'm going to agree with Courtney and say that I'd have to see you in person to really judge it.
Landing in London, at 5:53 PM
I think it looks good, but whatever floats your boat.
Anonymous, at 8:08 PM
You should have kept it Sandor! It accentuates your lips. ;)
Anonymous, at 1:14 PM
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