Bye bye projector...
Gesh... About a year ago last christmas i bought myself a projector, because I LOVE movies. I used to manage a movie theater here in town, don't anymore, but i still wanted to "watch it on the big screen." ANYWHO, my bulb went out on me right at 500 hours when the warrenty is over. So I called up infocus and they sent me a brand new spanken bulb no charge. I must say that their customer service is FANTASTIC. Not because they sent me a new bulb but because we tryed all sorts of stuff to see what's wrong with it and why it went out so soon. Very nice people. Well, a couple of nights ago we watched "Phantom of the Opera" and "Hotel Rwanda" both great movies. My "replace lamp" came on again at 394 hours. Those bulbs are frecken expensive. $500! The bulb now only has 400 hours on it and it's suppose to last 2000 hours and it starts dimming then. Gesh... So this morning I called infocus up and they are wanting me to send them my projector because they said that the projector is triggering something that brings that warning up. At the moment im in the process of sending my projector off to infocus for them to fix that vexatious problem. Grrrr! So who knows how long we won't be able to watch a movie at my place. :( But when I get it back...MOVIE NIGHT!
Disclaimer: Movie night is not exclusive to movies alone. Movie night includes, movies, fellowship, vicious game of Mrs. Pacman, food and drinks. If your disapointed then I'm sorry but please feel free to take it up with God and i'll see you at the alter on sunday morning. Mrs. Pacman may cause serious injuries and is also known to cause noise violations. Not liable for any injuries before, during or after your round of Mrs. Pacman. The lose of turn may apply if not in proper order as originally placed. Playing the Mrs. Pacman may cause headaches, blurry vision, disgruntlement, dissatisfaction, irritation, ill-humor, shame, violence toward objects, redness in face and disillusionment. Mrs. Pacman is played at your own risk.
Disclaimer: Movie night is not exclusive to movies alone. Movie night includes, movies, fellowship, vicious game of Mrs. Pacman, food and drinks. If your disapointed then I'm sorry but please feel free to take it up with God and i'll see you at the alter on sunday morning. Mrs. Pacman may cause serious injuries and is also known to cause noise violations. Not liable for any injuries before, during or after your round of Mrs. Pacman. The lose of turn may apply if not in proper order as originally placed. Playing the Mrs. Pacman may cause headaches, blurry vision, disgruntlement, dissatisfaction, irritation, ill-humor, shame, violence toward objects, redness in face and disillusionment. Mrs. Pacman is played at your own risk.
dude, I am so mad that i got sick because those are two EXCELLENT movies. I'm sorry about your projector. I will pray for its safe return.
Anonymous, at 12:43 PM
You've got to be careful with those DLP bulbs. We've gotten some of ours to run up to about 2000 hours, but by that point they get very dim and the picture quality suffers.
Anonymous, at 12:55 PM
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