Elisha's comment on Blah...
Trust me if I catch a cheater...the same thing will happen. We had a command on our server to deal with cheaters. It was the admin_F***you command (it was writen and named by a non-christian mind you) and if a cheater showed up on our server may God have mercy on their Counter-Strike. What this particular command did was mess up their Counter-Strike where they couldn't play anymore. They could disconnect from the server, re-install the game, and you still couldn't play. You can say we "hacked" their computer as some would say. I just love hearing the hackers come back and whine and beg us to fix their game for them...To bad... no fix. You shouldn't be cheating in the first place. Learn the game, practice and get better by playing with better people then yourself. I've played for 5 possibly 6 years and I get called a hacker but 'tis not true. Never loaded a cheat, hack, script of any sort on my pc. All skills baby! I love getting banned from a server because they think i cheat. Brings a smile to my face. That's why i compete. It's more about team work then skill but haveing skills helps. Aaah good times.
If you only had skill Santa, if you only had skill.
- Riatz
Anonymous, at 8:27 PM
Please! Psssh, mister "i can't play source...it sucks"...lol. Translation, i can't kill anyone so the game is stupid. :p Love ya, Adam.
SANTA, at 8:30 PM
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