Confucius say "A apple hard to eat when 15 feet up in tree."
Aaaah yes some random food for thought. Not exactly sure what to write about. I can write about Counter-strike source I guess. Let you guys in on the gaming world that i've played in for 5-6 years now. Our Cal team (Cyberathlete Amateur League) is ranked 11 out of 197 teams in our division. Last monday was our fist win of the season. We played very well together on a hard map. We might also pick up a sponser from town. Geekers downtown, hopefully. If anyone else knows of any companies that might be willing to sponser our team please let me know. We've talked to Geekers about a public server (where players from across the world can play, private server (where we play our matches), and a ventrilo server (where we talk online while we're playing the game). We're suppose to hear back from them today. I'm kinda excited. One of our players helped them to put the computer and network together. So we're hoping that will get us those. Anyways, i'll keep you guys informed on our matches and sponsers. Until then keep us in your prayers so we can win. It may be silly for most of you guys out there but it is one of my passions. If you know me for any length of time I do take the game seriously and am pretty good. I even had one guy offer me to fly to NY, pay for my hotel and play on they're team for a LAN tournament. I want our team to succeed and get to the point where we get paid to play. Yes i said... Paid to play. There are guys our there that are making over 40,000 a year to play on the team. Not to mention get flown all over the world and play teams from China, sweden, germany, well you get the picture. But one step at a time. As of now we have to start...again... at the bottom and work our way up. I believe we can make it.
lol... I can go outside to but if my computer gets wet...I'm finished..hehe.
SANTA, at 10:36 PM
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