For Zoe and ALL her Fans!
Here you go, you Rock Star you! It took me till 4:33 am to figure out how to post this on here. Lots of reading but i finally got it. :) Please spread the word of this fantastic musician and the band she plays in. Justin you guys rock! Zoe you did a great job on your song. Keep on keeping on JLB!

--- Click on the picture or here---
I'll try to get a better video next time. Or maybe a exclusive? hummm... I think that's a great idea. Can i have a exclusive? Ok i think it's time for me to go to bed. Church comes too soon... :(
*edit* After adjusting everything so it will look good on my blog it's exactly 5am...bed is calling my name now.

--- Click on the picture or here---
I'll try to get a better video next time. Or maybe a exclusive? hummm... I think that's a great idea. Can i have a exclusive? Ok i think it's time for me to go to bed. Church comes too soon... :(
*edit* After adjusting everything so it will look good on my blog it's exactly 5am...bed is calling my name now.
Beautiful song. I see potential :)
And that guy who shot the video, he's pretty good too :)
Anonymous, at 12:57 PM
Thanks lori!
SANTA, at 3:05 PM
Sandor! My friend! I haven't seen you or talked to you in forever. Well, i hope you are doing good. Talk to you later dude.
Anonymous, at 7:52 PM
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