My Baby...
Lol... not as in a real baby, silly people, although i think i would make a good father one day, but I got my projector back this week and im frecken excited! I was already able to help someone out by having my projector back. My nephew was over at my house the other day and he was begging to watch a movie on my screen...hehehe. he's so cute. So i let him pick out a movie and he picked "A bug's life." Great movie. Well he was suppose to also fall asleep watching it but that didn't quite work out that way. He wanted to watch another movie...hehe. Anywho did i mention infocus is Great! I got my projector back in great condition and on top of it all they not only updated my projector from version 1.7 to 2.2 but i think they also replaced my bulb too because my counter was on zero! Usually when the counter is on zero you have a new bulb. Thank you God for giving me two free bulbs that normally would have cost me $1100. God is so awesome. Anywho night is becoming day so i'm off to bed. Busy day tomorrow. Alot of running around. Seems like that never ends...
Hey buddy. Yeah for your projector being back. Hope you're doing well. Talk to you later chico.
Anonymous, at 11:21 AM
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