Offical season match.
Ok,so the offical season has started and we won our first match. It was against a team that was sponsered by BFG Technologies and Titanium 6. We beat them on the ct side 8-7 and then on t side 9-6 for a final score 17-13 win for us. Anywho, something intresting has happened after the match. I got a letter from the cal league that said that our match was being disputed because they ,the other team, thought r^Santa, me, was hacking. When i read that i just cracked up laughing. So i had to get all my demo's and screenshots and upload it so they can review me and see if i cheated, which i never cheated in my life in 1.6 or source. That just cracks me up that a team that is sponsered by huge companies gets beat by us and accuse me of cheating. Oh man, I'm on cloud 9, lol. All skills baby! Eat that riatz! :p I'm going to make videos of the cal-matches and post them up here as soon as i get a couple of programs where i can edit them. Anywho you also only get 2 disputed the whole season and too bad for them they wasted one. :)
Congratulations Sandor!!! You got skills! ;)
Anonymous, at 2:54 PM
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