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*stripper music*
Bartender: Good job Chad.
Chad: Thanks alot! You know, being a male dancer is hard especially when you have to shave your huevos. That's why i use Huevos splash!
* music* Hueeevos Splaaash! You sexy mother******!
Chad: Gotta go! Huevos splash!
Welcome back!
*stripper music*
Bartender: Good job Chad.
Chad: Thanks alot! You know, being a male dancer is hard especially when you have to shave your huevos. That's why i use Huevos splash!
* music* Hueeevos Splaaash! You sexy mother******!
Chad: Gotta go! Huevos splash!
Welcome back!
yes, sober and well rested. :)
SANTA, at 12:31 AM
Huevos! It's spelled HUEVOS, dangit!
Anonymous, at 12:41 PM
btw that's Elisha. I forgot my password
Anonymous, at 12:42 PM
sorry, gesh! i just was spelling it how he was saying it... you know im not the greatest speller in the world. man, one mistake and BAM! your through. Where is the kindness... where is the compassion...where is the LOVE! :)
SANTA, at 2:48 PM
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