Small town fair.
Last thursday we went to a fair in the middle of nowhere. It's one of those fairs that you go to, to eat the food, socialize, and watch others ride the rides that you know would fall apart at any moment. We did have two brave people, Katherine and brandon, ride this one ride that whips you in circles like a faris wheel but much faster. That thing was squeaking and screeching taking off and stoping. So before they rode the ride I asked them what any good friend would. I asked katherine if i could have her jeep and brandon for his truck. :) Thankfully they were safe and nothing happened. I just don't trust those small town rides. They look shabby to me.

Katherine and brandon getting ready to ride the super fast faris wheel.
Another picture of Brandon and Katherine giving us a last wave before they take off on this very "safe" ride.
As we were walking around the fair we noticed that they had a horse and kim went to pet the horse that they were giving away. It was a really mellow horse and kim enjoyed petting it since she is a city girl so she doesn't see to many things in the city as us "country folk."
Ethan, Katherines nephew, was enjoying all the fun, took time to give me a smile. :) He's a really cool baby, and a very happy little fellow. I actually got to hold him for a while on last Friday while everyone was finishing eating.
Ahh yes, right before we got some really good fish sandwiches which i could eat about 3 of easy. Brandon, Theresa, and kim standing around waiting for katherine to eat her fish sandwich, which made us go get one to see what the rave was all about. Poor katherine though we ate half her sandwich "testing" it to see if it was good. hehe... i could of taken a good 2-3 more bits to really get the flavor of the sandwich, but katherine took it :p
Honestly! Who's bright idea was it to put a propane tank in the middle of the fair? Seriously i see this as a very big hazard. One spark by it and booom! there goes the fair and everyone in it. Sigh... *shakes head*
Brandon and I did the bungee cord thing where you strap yourself in and run as hard as you can and mark how far you went with some velcored bean bags. I won a medal! Whoo hoo! It was fun i would do that again. Best part is getting pulled back by the bungee. I flew back on my first run because i just stood there with my hands in the air celebrating and WAM! Sandor flying!
The ladies, Katherine, Theresa, and Kim before we go get some funnel cake and cotten candy before we left for our long drive home. You can't go to the fair and not get funnel cake and cotten candy, right? RIGHT?! *nudge, nudge* :D Everything at the fair is Fat Free!
All in all it was a blast! Brandon and I did something that we normally never do in public. Dance, yup, dance...we're not big dancers but we did not only dance but learn how to two-step in front of alot of people. Sure your embarressed, but with a bunch of cool old people around to encourage you, really made the dancing not so bad. Of course we did have a good teacher. *cough* Katherine *cough* I had a great time!

Katherine and brandon getting ready to ride the super fast faris wheel.

All in all it was a blast! Brandon and I did something that we normally never do in public. Dance, yup, dance...we're not big dancers but we did not only dance but learn how to two-step in front of alot of people. Sure your embarressed, but with a bunch of cool old people around to encourage you, really made the dancing not so bad. Of course we did have a good teacher. *cough* Katherine *cough* I had a great time!
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