Give and Take
There are times in our lives where we have to evaluate the people we have as friends and see how your life benefits from them and how you benefit them. Too many times I over look things and it takes my close circle of friends to tell me that this relationship is not working out or that friendship is really not a friendship. The blindspots we have at times seem to keep us from seeing the truth about a friend and that it's not healthy or benefitical but it's more taking advantage of you. I know in my life and i've talk to a couple of other friends that have been feeling the same as I. Where we have to check ourselves and make some tough decisions. Some are easier then others but yet still difficult in it's own way. I just got off the phone of a friend of mine who poured out his heart about "friends" that just take advantage of him and his hospitality. They come over and hang out, eat his food, drink his drinks, and it's day after day after day. He told me that they call him to if they go to the store and they want to know if they should pick something up for them. Which at times he does have them buy something that's usually a couple of bucks but yet these "friends" what him to pay him back even though he opens his house up and allows them to use his TV, drinks, food, and whatever else he may have. What kind of a friendship is that? A friendship is based on give and take. For example: Tim and I hung out all the time back in the days and we used to cook with our group of friends. So we would all go to wally world and pick up food. Cook it and enjoy each others company. We split up the bill, we used his house and he never once argued or got upset. Now when tim had car trouble he called all of us up to give him a hand we were all there helping him fix the car. Weather we knew anything about the problem or not. Now that's a good example of friendship. Some brought tools, some made coffee and tea, some brought snacks, and some worked on the car, but we all contributed to eachother. What is up with all the take, take, take mentality? Have people forgotten what it means to be a friend? Has our society gone so far to the "me, myself and I" frame of thinking? It amazes me that some people only talk to you and want to see you when they need something from you. Other days you don't exsist. Your blown off. i've had friend like that and i just cut them off. Those to me are not friends. They just like to abuse the friendship and milk it for what it's worth. I feel bad for my friend because he's a great guy, with a huge heart. I know when i needed something he was there and when he needed something i got it. No questions asked, no "you owe me money"'s. It was done knowing that when I would have a need, i know that he would be there to help me out with whatever he could. Needless to say the evaluating is tough but it needs to be done or else you just get used time and time again. Friendship is about give and take, some people understand it, and some don't.
This is SO seems like it doesn't make a difference wheter you are a christian or sad.
Anonymous, at 10:17 AM
hey Amy thanks so much for commenting. I appreciate it very much. Hearing what you guys think is very encouraging to me weather i agree or disagree. Just keeps me motivated to post more frequently.
SANTA, at 10:26 AM
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