Where does the time go?
Well as the wheels of life turn and time flies by, it makes you wonder how does time fly by SO fast? I remember the day when I baby sat my niece and changed her dipers and now she's growing up into a very beautiful young lady. She's 14 now and Friday she was sick at school, so my sister called me to pick her up. Poor thing has been waiting in the nurses office for 45 min. Of course, as an Uncle, i'm more then happy to pick her up. When i got to the school she was waiting for me outside and i gave her a hug and a kiss on her head, asked her if she was ok and she responded "I've been throwing up and one of the times was on the nurse." We both laughed, im sure though the nurse didn't find it funny. hehe. Anywho on the ride home we were chatting and she asked me if I had a girl friend already. In while I responded with a chuckle and said no. She then said something that really made my day but yet bummed me out at the same time. She said "Sandor, you can have any girl you want." I know that statement isn't true but I'm glad she thinks I'm a great catch (which i think i am, not trying to sound conceded). I know that at least she has an example on how a guy should be treating her when she starts dating. I'm glad I have made a impact on her life. How time flies, pretty soon i'll see her getting married. Time does fly.
Sandor, you ARE a catch... and SOMEDAY the right girl will see that. Of course by then, you'll have to beat them off of you with a stick!
Just know, girls have taken notice... sometimes it just takes them a while to "get it".
Anonymous, at 1:25 PM
Thanks Anonymous person.
SANTA, at 3:14 PM
I think you are a pretty cool kid. Someday the right girl will come around and knock you off your feet.
Anonymous, at 6:59 PM
Who is goldfishandpreachtea? They must be really old. Thanks for the encouraging words though. :) And elisha who are you calling little? Oh, wait, nevermind. hehe. Thanks elisha!
SANTA, at 10:21 PM
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