Another great night of fun. We went out to this great little mexican resturant that was pretty cheap but quite yummy. Then we got to the Palace and played a bit of pin ball with derek just killing us in it. I think his highest was 3,600,000 ish. He did very well. After getting our butts kicked by derek it was time for the movie i've been wanting to see for a while...HITCH. Man that was a great movie. I really enjoyed it. I was laughing so hard, my sides were hurting. I definatly recommend it. After the movie we grabed some coffee from the mud house and we went home. Quite a fun night. BUT there is always something intresting that goes on when i ride with On our way to the mexican resturant we stoped by Sprint store but they were closed. Well we hop in the car and the jeep won't So we call people to come pick us up and to help us get the jeep running again. So we try the clutch thing which was suggested and nothing happened. After me pushing the car up and down two times she just tries to started it and the jeeps starts up no problem. SO we came up with a theory that her jeep doesn't like me and that i wait outside the jeep until the jeep starts, then for me to get in. Well IT No problems the rest of the night. I tell you what, it's never boring when katherine and I get together. You never know what will happen. lol. Good times!

Derek working his magic on the pin ball game. He rocked our world.

Derek working his magic on the pin ball game. He rocked our world.

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