: ) he he he.
Can I just smile. :) sigh... yeah... all smiles...hehe. :p
*side note*
I was asked a question by a good friend on saturday night about the way i pray. "How do you talk to the Lord?" "what?" I said, the question kinda got me off guard. "How do you talk to the Lord?" she asked again. I just told her I talk to him like i talk to a close friend. I think that's how God intended us to do it. Not with "thee's" "thoust" or "wilts." He want's us to approach his thrown with knowing that we're his creation and has created each one of us in his own image. He just want's a friendship with us. Just to be close to him. I know there have been times in my life where the only words that came out were curse words because of so much frustration, betrayal, and the feeling of being the only one in the world. I'm glad that i believe in a God that allows me to express my true feeling and doesn't condemn me for it. That's how he created me ... to be expressive. Most of you know that i express my opinion doesn't matter who it is too. Anywho... This friend of mine asked me another question also but i will write about it later. I think for right now im going to bed. I'm sooo tired. Hello bed? How you doin'?
*side note*
I was asked a question by a good friend on saturday night about the way i pray. "How do you talk to the Lord?" "what?" I said, the question kinda got me off guard. "How do you talk to the Lord?" she asked again. I just told her I talk to him like i talk to a close friend. I think that's how God intended us to do it. Not with "thee's" "thoust" or "wilts." He want's us to approach his thrown with knowing that we're his creation and has created each one of us in his own image. He just want's a friendship with us. Just to be close to him. I know there have been times in my life where the only words that came out were curse words because of so much frustration, betrayal, and the feeling of being the only one in the world. I'm glad that i believe in a God that allows me to express my true feeling and doesn't condemn me for it. That's how he created me ... to be expressive. Most of you know that i express my opinion doesn't matter who it is too. Anywho... This friend of mine asked me another question also but i will write about it later. I think for right now im going to bed. I'm sooo tired. Hello bed? How you doin'?
Thanks Sandor... you rock. Sometimes even us PK's need help (which is all the time). he he, seriously, what you said the other night really helped. Thank you.
Anonymous, at 9:41 AM
My bed is my best friend. Yeaaaaaaaaah, I think I need to go spend some time with my best friend for an afternoon nap. Oh, yeah!
Anonymous, at 12:23 PM
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