I'm having a brain fart. I have know idea what to say. things are going well for the most part. I keeping busy. Got ditched yesterday, no bigs, crap happens, life goes on. I'm tring to encourage a friend to break up with his girl friend but he doesn't have the balls to do it. Feel bad for him and hate to see him dealing with this crap. Sorry, i know im keeping a many out in the dark. I'm trying to keep it vague. Anywho, I got some new posters up in my living room, my friend daniel bought me a frame for my citizenship certificate. I have it on my desk but i need to put it on the wall somewhere. Any ideas? I'm also thinking about maybe buying some more poster cases and maybe hanging up some banners. Not sure where. I could use some help with that. Anyone wanna help? Of course the poster cases will have to wait until i get some money. Right now money is tighter then a fiddle string stretched across a cats butt. I guess that's all for now. Oh and if you have ideas to make my basement cooler,not as in temperature cool, let me know.
Hey, email me daniel's phone number. i have to talk to him about something.... elishamarieb AT
Anonymous, at 10:54 AM
Yeah i stole that from "the chad" hehe.
SANTA, at 3:25 PM
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