I swear, drivers here in springfield are SO dumb!!! Let's just be thankful i don't have a gun in my car. I'm sorry but when im driving, my christianity takes a back seat because I would go insane otherwise. You don't have to stop on the loops! YOU DON'T! EVER! I've drivin for 8 years and I have NEVER stop on the loops to get on or off the highway. People don't know how to drive here! Also green light means GO people! I couldn't believe it how many people just wait there and stare at the light like they haven't seen green before. Drives me crazy! Yes, i honk! The long on-ramps are NOT for going with the speed limit of the street you just turn off of all the way down. You have to step on the gas and reach at least 60mph so you can merge. "Merge? What's that? I don't think we learned that at school..dur, dur, dur" AAAAH!!! I love to drive but driving with sprinfieldians is like putting a blond in a circle room and telling her to pee in the corner. I also can't believe the way people drive here with the weather. On a sunny day they go under the speed limit and when it's pouring outside or we have snow they drive 50mph on glenstone! I wish we had to go to driving school like they have in germany. Where the person has to take, compulsory practical, theoretical courses, pay fees, buy books, and tests to sit. When your done with your driving school you pay between $2,380-$3,570 but you will know what to do in any situation. We need those kind of schools manditory here in springfield at least. It would make it a much safer driving experience. I won't even get into the medians.
Road rage can be kinda funny, but it is a serious thing.
I used to work at McDonald's ages ago, and working the drive thru can be terribly exciting! People can say the rudest things to you, and it's hard not to get angry, but regardless of what they say to you, you are still supposed to be kind and smile. Which is not only a good thing for McDonald's to tell you to do, but God tells you to also. Ya know that whole, "Turn the other cheek thing." I tried to tell myself that I didn't know what that person had just gone through before they showed up at my window. Had their husband left them? Was their kid suspended from school? Was this meal taking every last penny they had in their wallet? There are so many people in this world that have worse problems than I do, even though it doesn't seem like it sometimes. But one kind word, a friendly gesture, saying "have a great night" or a even a simple smile could make all the difference in the world to them.
Next time you are on the road and feeling like your head is going to blow off, just think for a minute that what's happening in their lives might be keeping them from paying as much attention to the road as they should. Instead of getting angry, count to ten, relax, and instead of putting your Christianity in the backseat, keep it right there with you. I guarantee you will be a happier person for it.
FulltimeEverything, at 7:11 PM
I don't agree. Although I do appreciate your comments and trust me I don't lose my cool very often when i drive but there is no excuse for stupidity. None. I don't care what's going on in your life you need to stay off the road if you can't operate the vehicle properly. That's what friends/co-workers/family is all about. If you get in a wreck do you tell the cop "oh i'm sorry i'm going through a lose in my family" you think he's not going give you a ticket? yes. Do you understand where im coming from? I'm tired of dumb drivers here. I've driven in bigger cities and feel safer. I actually prefer driving in bigger cities over springfield anyday!
SANTA, at 10:04 PM
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FulltimeEverything, at 7:00 AM
I think people that don't know me will miss understand this whole post. They probably think im some pyscho when i drive and don't care about other people. Totally not true. I'm just fed up with the horrible drivers here in springfield. You can't tell me when your driving down the road you never get upset and just have a "sunday morning smile" on. Highly doubtful. We all get frustrated driving and i had to vent on my blog. Isn't that what a blog is for? A journal? Fulltimeeverything you read way into my blog. Read it from the prespective of a venting driver. Is it still ok to vent or is that Unchristian like?
SANTA, at 5:18 PM
There have been horrible drivers in Springfield longer than you've been alive. To think that it's going to change by losing your temper and puting "christianity" in the back seat is sad.
We all get frustrated, that's a given. It's how you handle your frustration that counts. Hope God is comfy in your backseat.
Oh, and that "Sunday Morning Smile" is not just for Sunday morning for those who live it like they say they do.
Virtue of Wisdom??? things that make ya go hmmmmmm
FulltimeEverything, at 6:32 PM
1. yes driving in springfield can change, especially if they make the driving course manditory.
2. People should take responsibility for their actions and not make excuses for the way the behave.
3. Your not listening to what i'm saying.
4. What does my christianity have to do with horrible drivers in springfield?
5. I live my life to honor God, even jesus got angry! Or what he not acting like a christian? He should have turned the other cheek, i guess.
6. God actually has the front seat and christianity has the back. There's a seat belt back there if christianity wants to use it.
SANTA, at 7:32 PM
1. You are making excuses for your own behavior.
2. On the contrary, I have listened to what you are saying, but you seem to think that the biggest problem is drivers, I think the problem is something else. And it occurs to me that you wouldn't be defending yourself so harshly if you didn't think there was some truth to it.
3. You were the one that brought Christianity into the blog, so you must have thought there was some relevance.
4. You are saying God would be proud of you for losing your temper in traffic??? Is that how you honor him?
5. You are taking Jesus's anger out of context.
6. This is last thing I'm going to say about it because arguing is pointless.
FulltimeEverything, at 7:55 PM
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