Day Dreaming?
Seems like the older i get, the more i realize people become more negitive about life. I on the other hand am more optimistic. I like to look at the good side although acknowledging the bad. I do recognize that there are bad things and sides. I just prefer looking at the positive. That's how i am with my dreams that i have in my life. Sure im getting older but with age im coming closer to my dreams. I have some big dreams and the problem i've been running into is that some people just frankly don't care about my dream. These are friends that i figured would be supportive but they just look at me like im day dreaming or something. All i gotta say "HEY! Atleast i have dreams and goals that i want to achieve besides when will i eat again and how long can i sleep in. I don't tear them down when they tell me their dreams. I actually support them and encourage them. The thing i have concluded from some peoples reactions is what i believe jealousy. Don't know why, to tell you the truth, but i'm sure i'll find out one day. Anywho their negitive feed backs won't discourage me from reaching them. I've reached 2 things on my dreams and goals list. I'm still shooting for the rest. Slowly but surely i will get there. Seems like age helps it along not to mention friends that do encourage all help. Word of advice... Stick to your dreams and you will one day see them come true. Through the good and the bad times. The only thing that can kill your dream is you. So keep that chin-up, smile and reach for your dreams.
Ya - that is true Sandor... The best way it was ever told to me was: "Hope for the best, expect the worst..." Ya. Not much help on that one eh?
Oh and BTW - why didn't you post the one things you have accomplished in life man???
Anonymous, at 4:39 PM
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