Just wanting a chance...
EDIT: I didn't know weather to post this or not, i had on myspace but then took it off. Then i was thinking about it and said screw it. I'll post it.
Man, after two and half years of waiting and getting to know this person, my feeling for this peron has grown more and more. I don't know what to do, kinda of in a pickle, I thoughly enjoy our friendship. we have tons of fun everytime we hang out. Not to mention all the laughs, inside jokes, strange mind reading that we do to each other. It all most seems like we don't need to talk sometimes because we both know what we're thinking, then we start laughing because we realize that we're both thinking the same thing. lol. I'm still waiting though, waiting for that one chance in life where i can lay it all down on the line. Let this person know how I truely feel. I believe she knows but it's different when someone tells you. Anywho... that's my dilemma. :-/
Man, after two and half years of waiting and getting to know this person, my feeling for this peron has grown more and more. I don't know what to do, kinda of in a pickle, I thoughly enjoy our friendship. we have tons of fun everytime we hang out. Not to mention all the laughs, inside jokes, strange mind reading that we do to each other. It all most seems like we don't need to talk sometimes because we both know what we're thinking, then we start laughing because we realize that we're both thinking the same thing. lol. I'm still waiting though, waiting for that one chance in life where i can lay it all down on the line. Let this person know how I truely feel. I believe she knows but it's different when someone tells you. Anywho... that's my dilemma. :-/
The best thing I can say Sandor, is: just like with anything, patience, timing, and perfection will yield you the right results...
The thing I am worried about my friend is that you are building up this excitement for someone that "COULD POTENTIALLY" be the one... Now I'm catching myself in a pickle, because honestly I think you're doing right. As your friend I truly rejoice in the fact that you have such great feelings towards another person (dont worry, I know whom we're talking about)... But a wise man once told me (actually it was an investor for a firm...) "don't put all your eggs in one basket."
Is this easy to do? I submit to you: no. I know you well enough man to not want to see you down, if things were not to work out... But I also submit that sometimes pain is not always your enemy... I guess what I'm trying to say can be summed up by saying:
"Go for it man, wait for the best opportunity, pray a lot for it, and hope for the best... If nothing else, God is a righteous, and giving God. However things go down, KNOW that it was because of the WILL OF GOD for it to happen the way it did. Because it could not have happened any other way my friend. If so, it was God's will, if nay - it was still God's will."
hope that helped some.
Anonymous, at 2:27 PM
LOL... love ya joe! Yeah, dude the investor is correct. But i think when it comes to ladies I like to put my energy toward one person. I don't like hoping off one wagon to the next. I feel like a man whore. I also have been praying, especially for her. I need patience and she needs wisdom and God's guidence... hopefully toward my direction.
SANTA, at 4:33 PM
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