Sup SUP!
Hey Hey, How are my peeps doin'!? Let me just say that i've been busy like a prostitute on a weekend night. Working is fun but man after you get off one job and you go to another job back to back, have just enough time to take a shower and throw my cloths on. Well at least that way it assures me that my mind is not on the ladies which im tring to get out of my head. I don't need that junk right now. Until they grow up and mature maybe then. Meanwhile, I'm going to have fun working, spending time with my friends and family. I want to take a road trip to some place but where to visit? With what car? Until my bimmer is done, i'm kinda stranded sorta speak. It's cool though, in the mean time i'm working to make some moneys and then i'm out of here. Roadtrips galore baby! I think i might go to the east coast and then to wyoming to visit some close friends. A friend of mine asked me to go to France with him, tempting as that is I really think he should take his wife. I think it would be great for his marriage and especially if he's thinking about moving there. I don't think he should leave again without her. Screw a few weeks of school. Who the hell cares about the first week of school anyways! I think it's a total lame copout. That's my opinion. Anyways enough about him. BACK TO me...weeee! I'm thinking this winter will be a time for me to travel. Those that wanna come, come. Those that don't, stay. Your choice. This new years is going to be a blast. Hopefully we find the right place to stay. There are 5 of us going and I would love to find a lady to take with me but doesn't seem like there will be one. No bigs, i'm sure there will be plenty of ladies there. Well folks i'm off to bed. Putting up sheetrock all day wears you out!
PS. Barlow ladies are absolutely gorgeous. I would marry any of them.
PS. Barlow ladies are absolutely gorgeous. I would marry any of them.
Vintage Sandor eh? Man I sound Canadian! But yeah... Just wanted to tell you that on your Andy Rooney blog - I understand what you're sayin' "my brotha"... hehe
I will have to say two things though.
#1) PUNK! - how come no plans mentioned to E and I about what your plans are for new years man? Hey man, I'm sorry but last New Year's eve we started a tradition dang it; AND YOU'RE MESSIN WITH IT! hehe
#2) To the girl that posted two blogs ago about having compassion. (I know you're a girl - its not profiling - its the law of "probability" - hehe)
Hun, how can you talk about "compassion" and Christianity when you go onto someone's blog forum and completely blast them with: "What about your compassion a-hole?"... I'm sure I understand what you were trying to say; honestly I agree with both you and Sandor; with the exclusion of the fact that only CERTAIN PEOPLE can be given compassion. Only because of the fact that there are SO many people that ARE LAZY, they DO take advantage of people, They DO LIE, and they WILL NOT get my compassion. And compassion is not always what you give a person, its about what GOD can do for them... Think back to when you gave your life to God... Nobody had compassion for you, YET you received compassion - not from any person, but only from God. It's kind of like the saying: "Don't give a person fish, but teach them how to catch it, and you will have done more for them." So its in my opinion that compassion shouldn't be given to people, but the Truth; i.e. God's word that should be given to people - because compassion can't be used but only by God...
Anonymous, at 7:24 PM
Oh yeah Sandor, I'm in Arkansas right now... Probably won't be back till the end of the year... They're rolling out this IP tv over fiber optic stuff down here and they've "deployed" me down here for probably till the end of the year. I'm in Fayetteville... Get a hold me - oh, I'm also updating my xanga now too, bought a laptop. "Holla at yo boy"...
Anonymous, at 7:26 PM
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