Chad and Jona, *whispers*I think their next...hehe
Hello kiddies! I must say congradulations to Elisha and Joe on their engagement. Wedding is coming up in a few months and that's exciting! Here are some pictures of some of the people that were there. I had a great time talking to friends and enjoying the food. On the way home daniel and I were talking and daniel said "man, it's weird, joe getting married?" Then I responded "awww, our little joe all grown up..." Daniel "You know what will be more weird?" Me "what's that?" Daniel "You getting married!" LOL.. He cracks me up. In due time daniel son, in due time. God knows what he's doing. He's got my back.
Today, work was pretty simple. We did some fixes that our framers forgot to do or missed, presure tested the water and gas lines, moved plumbing pipe to the next house, talked to our excavating guy about the water retensing plan, ate lunch and came home around 2:30pm. The reason we got done so early is because our supplier is out of our siding vents so we couldn't do the siding on the house today. Gosh i really don't like waiting on material, especially material that they knew we needed a month in advance. That's just annoying.
We also have a match tonight that we didn't practice yet. Should be intresting on how the match turns out.
I am also going to start putting my brothers floor plan in the computer so they can see they're house in 3-D and see what changes they need to make on the plan. He know of one that their doing but when you actually see it in 3-D it helps. I think that's about it for now.
*UPDATE on Match*
The match tonight was one of the most exciting matches we've played yet! On our first have we started out as ct's and we went 9 (us) - 6 (them) and on T side they held us off after we went 6 in a row to finish 6(us) - 9(them) for a tie. In overtime you only play 3 rounds each side and start off with 10,000 money to buy guns. We won the first two rounds and they won the last round to make it 2(us) - 1(them) and on T side we won our first round then our second round I pulled off a 3 vs 1 and killed the last guys with my pistol right as the round clock was turning 0:00 which won us the match. If i would have taken another split second, that round would have gone to them and we would have gone into another OT session. Tside score was 2(us) - 1(them). Final score was 19(us) - 17(them). Close match and probably some of the nicest guys we've played yet. I must say i'm proud of our guys, not because we won but because we communicated well and actually played like a team. These guys would have beaten us bad if we would have played sloppy. Oh and before we played in our match we played against a team that was undefeated in cal-main, which is where the real good teams play, and took them to school. God I love it when we play like I know we can play. :)
Yay Sandor! That was fun. :) Thanks for coming. :)
Anonymous, at 6:25 PM
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