
Virtue of Wisdom

Monday, July 03, 2006

Food for thought

My little brother had some people over tonight and I went to see what they were doing in my basement. They were talking about forgiveness and such. So i jumped in with some insight of somethings i've been through in live. One thing that i put out there was, why is it so easy to forgive someone that is a non-christain who became a christain for what they've done vs. someone who has been a christain all their live and messes up? From my experiences in life i've noticed that christains are less likely and less willing to forgive a christain (one of their own) then someone that is not. Why is that? People, i've noticed that we're not perfect and we have our flaws. We all make mistakes and fall but for christains to stab other christains in the back and kick them when their own is down... man, that just turns me off to christainity. That is why alot of people turn their back on church and God. Isn't the christain live suppose to set the example to rightousness, forgiveness and grace? I think the younger crowd understands grace better then the older generation. Not that im deminision anything they've brought to christainity, i'm just say from what i observed and seen. I'm praying that one day christains can show the same grace to each other as they show non-christians.


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