
Virtue of Wisdom

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Praise report.

We got some awesome news from our friend that we helped hand out flyers around the neighborhood (check out my other site March 21 entry). He said that they had 80 new families come to the easter outreach they did. Praise God! Not 80 new people, 80 new famlies. Man that's exciting to me. Service was awesome at church last night. We had a discussion of what is freedom and what is legalism. It was a good discussion. Some of the ideas that people had was very intersting, some i don't agree with but that's a different discusion. Ok, i gotta go my nephew just came into my room. He wants to play. oh man he's not giving me a lecture on have dirty my room wow, wise words from a 4 year old. He's telling me that he has his PJ's put away and he's room is normally clean but his little brother (2yrs old) messed it up. Ok he really want's to play. He's pulling my arm. lol... later guys.


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