Saturday was a fun time at the lake. We took out my jetski and katherine's, who had 2, and rode them around the lake. It actually worked out great because we had six people and we 2 on each jetski. That was a lot of fun. We layed out on the beach and diped in the lake and layed out again. I even took my shirt off, Yes, I took my shirt OFF. I know it's hard to believe but i did it. So everyone saw my lovely belly and surgery, which they butchered. Fun i must say, fun. I had a blast but i just had my mind thinking about "some thing" the whole time. Then later that evening i just started to feel all nauseous. Didn't have an appetite for food even for brandons family apple pie. I know I would have enjoyed it but i just couldn't think about food. My mind was somewhere else. What caused me to be sick? Don't honestly know. I know that sometime i can make myself sick when I have something on my mind, I just can't stop thinking about "it." It also could be dehydration, which is the excuse i like to use because it's more believable and people don't ask too many questions. If i would tell them the first then they start bothering me with "what's wrong?" "Are you ok?" Not that, that's bad but I rather sometimes just not tell people what im thinking. Needless to say today i feel very nauseous and im working on the roof. I'm dizzy, feel like vomiting, have a headache and to top it off, I feel sooo hot from my lovely "sun tan" I got from this weekend. I just hope that I don't fall off because I'm just out of it. My mind is else where, thinking again. I have questions to ask, but too scared to ask them. Maybe because the answer is not what im looking for, or maybe it's too soon to ask them. Patience will prevail though. I'll wait.
hehe... katherine it's actually quite nice to have people that do care.
SANTA, at 2:27 PM
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