It's been a while
Man it's been a while since i've posted. I've been busy and I have tons to talk about. Ok, before i get into anything, remember my post about drivers in springfield? Well last week we were driving down national when it was snowing and this guys just flies by us like we were standing still. I turned to my friend daniel and told him "That's what i'm talking about man, snow on the ground and they speed but on a sunny day they go under the speed limit." Low and behold as we pulled up to chestnut expressway that guy that was speeding and driving like a moron got rear ended by another car because he cut them off and hit his breaks because the light turned red and the guy that got cut off hit him in the back. Thank God no one was hurt, but it sure backed up my point.
Wow this weekend was crazy! Friday after work I called up some of my peeps and wanted to see if they had any plans. Joe recommened a guys night out which I was totally for because i think we need one. So I called up some guys and we planned to meet later on friday night. Well when people started arriving, the ladies arrived Hummm... guys night out? *scretching my head* Althought i did think that we were going to get ditched by some of the guys because ladies and sleep. So i did invite mel who we ran into at blockbuster with travis. Anywho we tried to watch 12 monkeys but the movie was soooo scretched up that we couldn't get past chapter The funny thing was we came to a screen which got us busting up after a zillion tries to get it working. We even tried to seduce the So the dvd froze on this screen, no joke. lol.

The play was quite funny. I really enjoyed it. After the play we went to eat at place downtown, don't remember the name. Joe something. It's a sub place. Very delicous. After that I headed to my nephews place. I was taking him and his sister out because i haven't seen them in a while. So we went out to Starbucks to get some vanilla bean creme with 2 shots of espresso for me and one shot for them. Good stuff if you haven't tried it. After some good laughs and catching up we headed to watch a movie at the Springfield 8. Firewall was great. We all enjoyed it. When we were driving home from the theater we were already making plans to go to branson for some putt putt, ice cream and some shopping. They are so much fun. I had a blast hanging out with them. Dropped them off and hung out with my other little niece victoria. She's such a giggle box.

*sigh* so here I am after a busy weekend thus far...wore out...with sunday to go.
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