the horrible america
I was catching up on my movie trailers and i've noticed 4 movies that are coming out that are anti-america. Showing america as the bad guy. People are so retarded. That's fine if they want to speak their mind but i will speak mine. Personally i would love to send those "anti-american's" to another country where there is communism or a dictator for a year so they can experience what it's actually like. I don't think it's wrong to express your views but there is a line that has to be drawn where it hurts those that are serving their country and are in the frontlines to protect those same laws, rights that others are trying to distroy.
Well on a happier note, I went to watch a softball game. NP was playing some other team, NP was down 2 ladies i believe but they still play. Played well if i may say so myself. They happen to win the game 10-9. Great game, exciting to the very end. Good job ladies!
I hear it's going to rain once more this evening. I don't know if i should set my alarm or not. If it rains then no work but that's what i thought yesterday and i did work for a bit. Sooo... anywho... i'm gonna hit the sack. Pooped.
Well on a happier note, I went to watch a softball game. NP was playing some other team, NP was down 2 ladies i believe but they still play. Played well if i may say so myself. They happen to win the game 10-9. Great game, exciting to the very end. Good job ladies!
I hear it's going to rain once more this evening. I don't know if i should set my alarm or not. If it rains then no work but that's what i thought yesterday and i did work for a bit. Sooo... anywho... i'm gonna hit the sack. Pooped.
How right you are man. I love how so many, so called, "Americans" think that just because a person is a first gen. American that they don't know what it means to be one...
Actually, I think we have a better understanding about what America is all about than most ppl that were born here. Ya, I agree with you man, a lot of ppl here are just living waaaay too comfortably. I think its a good thing that we were both able to at least taste what another culture is about and that we were are able to distinguish how good we really have it here in the US...
Personally I think we ought to have like a mini-deportation process... Like when an American is 16 years old just send them to the deepest parts of Africa for a year... Just drop them off in the middle of nowhere by parachute and if they make it for a year, pick them up and put them back into civilization...
my two cents - not that their worth anything anymore... ;)
Anonymous, at 5:13 PM
I totally agree. Good points.
SANTA, at 1:10 PM
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