Movie mania
This weekend had been a movie madness weekend, i tell ya what! Pirates was on friday and I won't even get into the bowling which was a blast. Actually lets get into the bowling...hehe. I made a new friend this weekend. She's a blast, such a competitive spirit. I'm a crummy bowler to give you some insight on my skills and usually struggle to get over 90. But something about last night that just kicked my bowling skills up a knotch. Well it turns out that i beat my friend 162 was my first score and 133 was my second. I must say though if it wasn't a error mark on the second heat i would have lost by 1 poiny. I believe a re-match is in the making. Anywho back to the movies. Tonight i had some peeps over and watched matador which was a bad movie and then Failure to launch. Tomorrow will be MI:III and anapolis. Well folks im beat and half a sleep writing this. Peace out.
ummm who is the new friend? This bowling friend? Hows come you haven't told me about her???? I usually know most of the chica's you gab about *zoe smile*. So, I think your public demands details, fess up!
Anonymous, at 3:10 PM
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