responsibility? what's that?
I can't believe people that whine and complain about how others have been treating them when they clearly were the one at fault. "Oh, it's not my fault?" "How could i do anything wrong? I'm the victim here." Wah wah wah! GROW THE FRECK UP! Stop your little whining and get over yourself. You might want to open your eyes and look in the mirror very hard and maybe...just maybe you might see a glimps of why things happened. But wait? It's not your fault? How could it possibly be your fault? It's everyone else that is messing up and doing stuff wrong. You couldn't possible have anything to do with it? could you? Nah, you wouldn't dare put that past you. Your too good. Your too concerd with how other people feel and care about their well being and emotional state... What a bunch of horse crap. Don't even give me that. You only care about what you can get or manipulate. People like that tick me off. Their so FAKE, you can see right through them and the funny thing is they think they can hide it. I have alot of pitty for those kinds of people. These kinds of people think that their the ones that keep getting stabed in the back but in turn their the one caught with the knife in their hand. I feel bad for them, because they can't admit their own faults. What a sad place to be in. That's all for now. Maybe more later.
Romans 12:17-19 (New King James Version)
17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. 18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.
I love you Sandor... we have known each other forever. I hope you don't get offended by me posting this, but I find that this verse helps me get through whenever I find that someone has hurt me or did something that I thought was wrong.
Sometimes we have to change our own attitudes before anything can ever get resolved. It takes me changing my attitude to get my sister to talk to me in a tone that isn't hateful, because she can tell the difference when I try to act in love, you know?
This may be the same kind of situation. Respond in love and with the character of Christ, and things will get better because Christ becomes the focus and not the hurt or anger towards that person.
Anonymous, at 1:26 AM
Thanks for the comment elisha. I love you as well. This post came about for many reasons there was just one thing the put it over the top. I was talking to my brother in-laws boss when he brought me home on monday about this subject and we had the same feelings about alot of people feeling the their the victims and they deserve all sorts of things. Bunch of whiners. People really need to GROW UP! But there was one thing that just broke that camels back sorta speak. So there for the post.
SANTA, at 2:55 PM
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