Birthday galore

The privileges of being a Uncle is unsurpassed by any amount of money, fame, or fortune. It's that time of year for our family where we have a ton of Birthdays and it was my nephews birthday a couple of sundays ago. So his mom, my lovely sister martha, wrote me and asked me if i was going to be at his birthday shinedig at our house. AND of course i'm the number one uncle, I HAVE to be there. hehe. Really... they do love me that much. I didn't nominate me...they did! :)

Anywho back to the story. Well he got a Nintendo DS for his birthday and i figured what better present then a new game to go with your new DS no? So i ran after church and picked up the Mario kart game for him. He absolutely loved it! :) So this up coming Sunday is my neice's birthday she's going to be 15. 15! man... time flies. I used to change her dipers and now she's a young lady. Man if that doesn't make you feel old, i don't know what Anywho i haven't yet decided what i should get her. Any suggestions? Also it's her little baby sister b-day too. She's going to be one years old. Alreay? Where does time go?
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