Ok... i'm just gonna get right into it. Liberal democrates are retarded and have a mental disorder. WHO the HELL, says it's hard for someone to take their drivers licence to vote and show proof of id? STUPID FreckeN morons, EVERYBODY has a drivers licence or another forum of government id. AND if you don't you shouldn't even vote. Democrats are whining and complaining because "oh it costs too much for someone to get a driver licence or something else and people shouldn't show any forum of id." WHAT? Are you serious?! God i would slap their face off! Right to vote? Right to vote? Are you serious? voting ISN'T a RIGHT!!!! Get it through your thick no brained scull! Voting is a privilege, not a right. And don't even tell me it's in the constitution because it's not in there. Does not say that voting is a right. Personally i think MOST people shouldn't vote because they don't even know what is going on. I think you should take a test to qualify to vote. Don't even get me started on illegal immigration. Democrates are unrealistic and live in a little fantasy world. "Let's make love, not war" Sometimes you have no other choice to fight. And yes, if we have to i believe we should torture the prisoners if they have information. Do any means necessary to protect this country. If we have to level the middle east... so be it. This is my care face... :) I'm going to make some t-shirts, one that will say "speak english?" ,"liberalism is a mental disorder" and the other one will be "Not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim." Well that's all for now. I'm tired. T-shirts coming soon. If you want one let me know.
Not to rain on your parade, but take a look at the 15th amendment.
Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
And true, everybody should have some form of government issued I.D. to vote, it's not that difficult (if your a U.S. citizen). Don't ask me what happened to me the last time I had to renew my license. I just about went postal on the poor lady behind the desk because of the new laws to show proof of citizenship. Let's just say they wouldn't accept my Citizenship papers, but they would accept my Korean birth certificate. I don't get that.
On a side note, I'm sorry that I missed you text message. I was doing homework. My life is homework at the moment.
Anonymous, at 6:34 AM
Hey kim read that again... section 1. what does it say?
don't worry about it kim. No bigs.
SANTA, at 4:57 PM
Strange you sound just like a democrat.
Anonymous, at 10:04 PM you are clueless.
SANTA, at 11:49 PM
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