Sunday, October 29, 2006
Seems like my life is in a mess of confusion that i can't find the way out. Time and time again i keep running into a brick wall every which way i turn. Is it just me? Is it me? sigh... not sure to the answers to the questions that I pose from the depths of my soul. I go looking for answers and just keep running into more questions, questions with no answers and those answers i'm looking for end up with more questions. This vicious circle of vexation is really getting to me. I need to leave, get out of this horrid cycle, some way, must find a way. Maybe some sleep will shed some light on this subject. Probably not because my sleepless nights have had me questioning once more the "why's" the "who's" the "when's" and the "why's". But i must try once more. One more time to sleep... and maybe grab a glimps of a dream, something i haven't done in a long time.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Bored Cops
I am so ticked off right now it's not even funny, maybe for someone listening to me using sentence enhancers but that's about it. Cops are such assholes at times. I got pulled over tonight, harrassed and given two tickets! One for failing to use my turn signal, and the other my license plate light was out. WHAT A JOKE!!! Dickweeds were bored and were too busy pulling people over for idiotic stuff instead of going downtown and working the street there. Just walking around the downtown area (no cops around), I saw atleast 3 occasions that people should have gotten a ticket or arrested. But NOOOO... lets pick on people that are going to the mudhouse to drink some coffee instead of taking care of actual problems. No wonder our police here don't have any respect from people. They treated us like crap. Not to mention my friend. I was even asked to get out of my car and searched for drugs and weapons! WHAT THE HELL!!! Well, my friend and i are filling a complaint against those cops. I hope they get demoted, or have to do some pissy ass paper work that will take them months to complete. Bunch of jerks they were.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
I need a new bed. Period. Anyone out there have a select comfort bed or a tempur-pedic matress? Another question about computers... AMD chip or the new Pentium duo chip? and why? Ok, i'm beat. My soon to be gone bed is calling my name. *yawn*
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Needing the Espresso
Not sure what to write today except that im exhausted from staying up late last night filling out paperwork. Ah, yes, the sacrifices of being your own boss... I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm think i'm going to get some sleep this weekend. Coffee in the morning sounds yummy. I frecken need to buy a espresso machine so i can drink this espresso that daniel brought back from "the fraonch". Yes, i know it's spelled wrong. It's for a reason. Man, the smell is delicious of the espresso...mmmmm... deliciousness in a tin can.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Day Dreaming

Have you ever caught yourself day dreaming while your driving? I was driving home from work and i was picturing me driving in my bimmer with the top down. I must say i just felt free in that car. All the worries melted away, all the troubles weren't there, all the backstabing and drama was gone... just me, the bim and the road. It just put a smile on my face from ear to ear. God i can't wait to drive that car again. Bimmer for life baby!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Sup SUP!
Hey Hey, How are my peeps doin'!? Let me just say that i've been busy like a prostitute on a weekend night. Working is fun but man after you get off one job and you go to another job back to back, have just enough time to take a shower and throw my cloths on. Well at least that way it assures me that my mind is not on the ladies which im tring to get out of my head. I don't need that junk right now. Until they grow up and mature maybe then. Meanwhile, I'm going to have fun working, spending time with my friends and family. I want to take a road trip to some place but where to visit? With what car? Until my bimmer is done, i'm kinda stranded sorta speak. It's cool though, in the mean time i'm working to make some moneys and then i'm out of here. Roadtrips galore baby! I think i might go to the east coast and then to wyoming to visit some close friends. A friend of mine asked me to go to France with him, tempting as that is I really think he should take his wife. I think it would be great for his marriage and especially if he's thinking about moving there. I don't think he should leave again without her. Screw a few weeks of school. Who the hell cares about the first week of school anyways! I think it's a total lame copout. That's my opinion. Anyways enough about him. BACK TO me...weeee! I'm thinking this winter will be a time for me to travel. Those that wanna come, come. Those that don't, stay. Your choice. This new years is going to be a blast. Hopefully we find the right place to stay. There are 5 of us going and I would love to find a lady to take with me but doesn't seem like there will be one. No bigs, i'm sure there will be plenty of ladies there. Well folks i'm off to bed. Putting up sheetrock all day wears you out!
PS. Barlow ladies are absolutely gorgeous. I would marry any of them.
PS. Barlow ladies are absolutely gorgeous. I would marry any of them.