Friday, July 29, 2005
As i sit here thinking about what to write, I come continually to a brick wall. Not that i don't have anything to write, i just don't know how to put them into words. For me, if you don't know me well, writing is one of the hardest things for me to do. Along with memorising songs. In my head i have tons of stuff i would like to write and share but as soon as i open up the page to write and i look at the blank space, my mind goes, well, blank. Anywho, I'll right about my title here in a bit, right now i really need to take a shower... my smell is bugging me.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Small town fair.
Last thursday we went to a fair in the middle of nowhere. It's one of those fairs that you go to, to eat the food, socialize, and watch others ride the rides that you know would fall apart at any moment. We did have two brave people, Katherine and brandon, ride this one ride that whips you in circles like a faris wheel but much faster. That thing was squeaking and screeching taking off and stoping. So before they rode the ride I asked them what any good friend would. I asked katherine if i could have her jeep and brandon for his truck. :) Thankfully they were safe and nothing happened. I just don't trust those small town rides. They look shabby to me.

Katherine and brandon getting ready to ride the super fast faris wheel.
Another picture of Brandon and Katherine giving us a last wave before they take off on this very "safe" ride.
As we were walking around the fair we noticed that they had a horse and kim went to pet the horse that they were giving away. It was a really mellow horse and kim enjoyed petting it since she is a city girl so she doesn't see to many things in the city as us "country folk."
Ethan, Katherines nephew, was enjoying all the fun, took time to give me a smile. :) He's a really cool baby, and a very happy little fellow. I actually got to hold him for a while on last Friday while everyone was finishing eating.
Ahh yes, right before we got some really good fish sandwiches which i could eat about 3 of easy. Brandon, Theresa, and kim standing around waiting for katherine to eat her fish sandwich, which made us go get one to see what the rave was all about. Poor katherine though we ate half her sandwich "testing" it to see if it was good. hehe... i could of taken a good 2-3 more bits to really get the flavor of the sandwich, but katherine took it :p
Honestly! Who's bright idea was it to put a propane tank in the middle of the fair? Seriously i see this as a very big hazard. One spark by it and booom! there goes the fair and everyone in it. Sigh... *shakes head*
Brandon and I did the bungee cord thing where you strap yourself in and run as hard as you can and mark how far you went with some velcored bean bags. I won a medal! Whoo hoo! It was fun i would do that again. Best part is getting pulled back by the bungee. I flew back on my first run because i just stood there with my hands in the air celebrating and WAM! Sandor flying!
The ladies, Katherine, Theresa, and Kim before we go get some funnel cake and cotten candy before we left for our long drive home. You can't go to the fair and not get funnel cake and cotten candy, right? RIGHT?! *nudge, nudge* :D Everything at the fair is Fat Free!
All in all it was a blast! Brandon and I did something that we normally never do in public. Dance, yup, dance...we're not big dancers but we did not only dance but learn how to two-step in front of alot of people. Sure your embarressed, but with a bunch of cool old people around to encourage you, really made the dancing not so bad. Of course we did have a good teacher. *cough* Katherine *cough* I had a great time!

Katherine and brandon getting ready to ride the super fast faris wheel.

All in all it was a blast! Brandon and I did something that we normally never do in public. Dance, yup, dance...we're not big dancers but we did not only dance but learn how to two-step in front of alot of people. Sure your embarressed, but with a bunch of cool old people around to encourage you, really made the dancing not so bad. Of course we did have a good teacher. *cough* Katherine *cough* I had a great time!
Monday, July 25, 2005
MORE Blessing!
I just got a message from my friend Katherine and the doctors said that she's good and she can still have kids! What awesome news to start off your day with! It's an answer to prayer and God has had his hand on her, protecting her, giving her strong, giving her peace in the mist of the storm, and family, friends and church that supported through out the whole process. God is a healing God and he was, is and forever will be! Thank you God for protecting my friend. For the joy, peace, strength, that you gave to her. I am very grateful for hearing everyones prayers. God my heart rejoices with Katherine this day. Thank you Father. You deserve all the paise. Amen.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Wow...where to start. I must say that one of the hardest things for me to do is to recieve something from someone. Free of charge, no service to exchange, no hidden agenda, and no "pay me back later." I'm so used to giving to others and helping them because that's what i've done for my friends before and that's what i would like to do again someday soon. It's in my blood, it's part of my every fiber to help out a friend, to buy dinner, what have you. I enjoy it and I love to bless them. I actually feel wierd recieving because it hardly happens to me. So when someone buys me dinner, for example, i don't know how to recieve it even though it's a blessing. Anywho, my life has hit some rough spots, cash is not anywhere to be found. I feel inadequate as a man, feel like a dead beat... Growing up, the man is suppose to be able to support a family and he should have the resources to do so. He's the bread fourth and so on. We've all heard all the sayings. So i think you understand where im coming from. I've always had money in the bank. I've never had to worry about it at all. But i have to thank God for the people he has pulled together for me. They have been a complete blessing to me in more ways that they think. My family has been there also, helping me out where they could. My mom right now took over my gas, phone, cable, ect... and i asked her to keep track, as I am too, so I can pay her back. For all you out there that have helped me in my time of hardship and need, Katherine, Theresa, Brandon, Elisha, Chad, Amy, Melody I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Katherine for buying hongkong inn when i was short of cash, pizza when i was starving, dessert when i was craving something yummy, making food when you didn't have too, getting me coffee right after you had surgery(sorry about that too) and many other things. Theresa for opening up your house for me to hang out at, cooking food when i had no funds and was hungry, and what you blessed me with. Brandon for coffee when i needed my fix but no dough, Subway when i was thinking about getting some and i knew i couldn't afford it, driving to bolivar so I can save on my gas. Elisha for paying for the extra at the mexcian resturant when i haven't eaten all day. Chad for pulling my jetski to stockton lake, for buying the movie tickets when i only had $2.00 to my name. Amy for going out of your way to fill my craving for ice-cream in the early hours of the morning when you could of clearly came home. Melody for buying my IHOP and steak and shake when my tummy was grawling, for using your car to go to bolivar and to the lake. I'm sure I have missed people and if i did I'm very sorry. I just named some off the top of my head. I don't know how to repay any of you but i know the God will not let any of your generosity go unblessed. I have been truely blessed to have you guys as friends and I pray for you guys that God will continue to bless you as you have blessed me so very much. Mom and Dad, even though you guys don't read my blog, or use the internet for that matter, I LOVE YOU and appriciate everything you do for me.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Your regularly scheduled posting will resume after a word from our sponser.
*stripper music*
Bartender: Good job Chad.
Chad: Thanks alot! You know, being a male dancer is hard especially when you have to shave your huevos. That's why i use Huevos splash!
* music* Hueeevos Splaaash! You sexy mother******!
Chad: Gotta go! Huevos splash!
Welcome back!
*stripper music*
Bartender: Good job Chad.
Chad: Thanks alot! You know, being a male dancer is hard especially when you have to shave your huevos. That's why i use Huevos splash!
* music* Hueeevos Splaaash! You sexy mother******!
Chad: Gotta go! Huevos splash!
Welcome back!
Friday, July 15, 2005
You Know You're From Springfield, MO When... |
Your favorite things to do outside the house are see a movie or go to Wal-mart. Road construction leads the local news report. You go to the part at 3pm, and the skies are clear. By 3:05 you're running for cover from the thunderstorms. You know who the The "Ozark Mountain Ducks" are. Your idea of vacation is a day trip to Branson. New people in town are either college students or lost and looking for Branson. You get thru a traffic light on the 3rd round ... if you’re lucky! You know that Bachelor guy, because he gave your sister an STD. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Springfield, MO. |
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
If you want to laugh, if you want to feel better about yourself, if you want to start your day off great or make your day better, then watch this. Enjoy!
(copy and paste it because i tried to link it but for some reason the link thing wasn't showing up when i linked it.)
(copy and paste it because i tried to link it but for some reason the link thing wasn't showing up when i linked it.)
I'm becoming a nerd :-/
Man, i just realized that im becoming a nerd. I just added a music video to my How cool is that? On with the good news... My bestfriend gave me a call yesterday and told me that him and his wife went to the hospital and he thinks she's going to have the baby AND SHE DID! It's a healthy baby girl. Congradulations on your father hood man! I know you'll be a great father. Love ya man!
Monday, July 11, 2005
Shout out to Tune!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY OG! I'm thinging back to how long i've known you and all the servers we've played in. It has been a long time. 4-5 years, i think? That's quite some time. I'm glad that we're still friends and one of these days i want to meet all you texas people. Have a GREAT birthday OG and don't drink too much "water",ok? hehe. :P
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Katherine's surgery went really well and she's doing great. My friends and I went to visit her tonight after the lake(which was a blast! went tubing! sweet!). We play spades, Katherine and i, against her parents. I made a stupid mistake and listened to them thinking that they were nice people...yeah right! Not nice when it comes to spades..hehe. Off of spades their super nice. After they beat us, i talked to Katherines dad for a while about life in general. After talking to him i found out we share some of the same passions. Cooking for one. Anywho back to the cancer free girl now. I'm glad that shes doing better and her surgery was a success. It was GREAT to see her up and about even with her being on drugs..hehe. I also put just blame on the drugs also when I played spades with her. I think we should have a re-match. Totally brings joy to me seeing her mobile.
On another note I talked to my friend Tim for a good 40min. I just love him so very much. We talked about his church and just hearing his passion for change to happen and seeing things take place, that just excites me! He took this small chruch of 7 people that they were going to use for fire practice for the fire department and now there is 100-150 in his services. God is doing some awesome thing in his life and ministry. I don't know how to discribe the joy I feel when i hear him talking about his church and what God is doing. Anywho the bed is calling my soo tired. Worn out by the tubing and the night before.
On another note I talked to my friend Tim for a good 40min. I just love him so very much. We talked about his church and just hearing his passion for change to happen and seeing things take place, that just excites me! He took this small chruch of 7 people that they were going to use for fire practice for the fire department and now there is 100-150 in his services. God is doing some awesome thing in his life and ministry. I don't know how to discribe the joy I feel when i hear him talking about his church and what God is doing. Anywho the bed is calling my soo tired. Worn out by the tubing and the night before.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Cancer shmancer!
My friend Katherine is going into surgery tomorrow at 12:30ish. Please keep her in your prayers. She is awesome person who brings much joy to my life because of her sense of humor, her love for coffee, her passion for God, her loyalty to her friends, her super duper love for food, her great smile, her big heart and because she has a jeep. I hate to see her in pain, so i pray that God will bless her and preform a miracle in her life. I pray that they will find nothing when they go into surgery. And if they do find something i pray that they will get every bit of it! We are heal by his strips according to my bible, we have a creator that knows everything about us even the number of hair on our head! Cancer, you weapon of destruction, you have no place in her body! In the name of JESUS! Leave! Every knee will bow and every tongue confess the he is Lord. Cancer you have no authority here! Father take care of Katherine. Bless her, bless the doctors, bless her family and give them strength also. Father I believe, and know that you are able to do OVER exceedingly than what we ask or think. You will never leave us or forsake us in our time of need. In the name of Jesus i pray. Amen!
Thursday, July 07, 2005
I'm a slacker
Ah, yes, a slacker. I should be posting more but lately I haven't been motivated to type out anything. Even now im just here pressing away at the keys like a monkey eating the bugs off another monkey. I also took a ton of pictures and of different events and yeah i feel lazy putting pictures up of them too. *sigh* I'm a slacker. :/
Monday, July 04, 2005
Pain that just won't go away.
My back started hurting again today, so i had melody stand on it...poor thing is so light i barely felt her on I'm very thankful non the less, i needed someone to do that. My upper back was tensing up so it felt good to stretch it out. There is one spot though that is really sore and i can't find it when im looking for it but when melody was walking on my back she hit the spot right on. It took everything in me not to scream in pain and roll over on my stomach. I just kindly asked her to walk higher off my lower back which she did. If she would of stayed there longer i would have probably cried. I gotta go get some sleep now... I'm tired. I was falling asleep again on the way home. Not as bad as it was a few nights ago where i am pretty sure i fell asleep for about 15 sec. going at 70 mph and then again on my street for a second. So to avoid any falling asleep i was about to give melody a call to keep my company since she was right behind me but when i was looking through my phone book for her number my phone rings... guess who? Melody! I was like that is just We have good "espn" i guess. well off to bed. I'm sooo tired.
Friday, July 01, 2005
simon says thunder
I don't know about the rest of you guys but i love it when there is lightening and thunder. LOTS of it. The show they put on it's like their working to a song or something. You look at the sky as it lights up and you chest shakes from the thunder... gosh i just love it. Sitting there and enjoy the lightening and thunder with friends and of course a camera if you have it on hand, which i forgot to bring with me yesterday. Aaah, there is nothing like it. It must be the feeling of danger or should I say feeling dangeresque. hehe. I'm one of those people that would chase a torando because im curious. yeah i can do some stupid things sometimes...hehe. Anywho... I'm off to work. Weee.