
Virtue of Wisdom

Monday, May 30, 2005

Party! whoo hoo!

Man i'm slacking on my posts! lol. We'll lets see, let me start with the birthday party on Sunday! My awesome little nephew turn 2 years old. He seems much older then that because he's getting so BIG! Man, they grow up soo fast. I can't be the jungle gym for i'm getting old too you know. At cake time he would just eat the cream out of the cake which was halarious because he just got it everywhere including his hair. He's such a cuttie pie. I mean who can get upset with a kid that has such a warm and loveing smile? I mean look at it. So cute!

Today I got woken up by a good friend of mine Daniel who called me at 9:30am to ask me if i was doing anything for dinner. 9:30am... now come on... who calls someone up at 9:30am to ask them over for Anywho after talking to him for about 10 min. about things that were on sale, I rolled over and went back to sleep. Oh around 10-11 ish not quite sure since i was still sleepy, I got a phone call from katherine who asked if I would like to hang out for lunch and go to the mall afterwards. I, of course, said yes because she's a blast to hang out with. We were going to go to mr. Yens and eat there but ended up eating at a Korean resturant which i forgot what it's called. Something with an "H" Horiende? hiroende? I don't know, doesn't matter. But the food was good. I also had the chance to hold katherines 6.5 month old nephew who is very courious. He's a cool little guy. After that we headed back to bolivar to drop him off and back to the mall! NOW the Went by to talk to one of Katherine's friend chariety who works at one of the stores. Man she was a Hanging out in a store that sells "teacher cloths" with 3 ladies and having them talk about man i almost died laughing. After that we headed to do some shoping which i must say was very fun especially when it came to "chruch cloths", Garrenteed to get you to church no matter when service is...hehe. After a few stores and almost 3 hours later, we're checking out and i get a phone call from my sister-in-law Christine. "don't you know it's not polite to shop in womens clothing?" LOL. I was like "where are you?!" Then i look out in to the hall and see her tring to hide behind a cingular stand with my We then left to go to Daniels house and ate some dinner that he so kindly made. Riblets, corn, mashed potatoes and a strawberry pie. Mmmm... yummy. I have showed him some basics in cooking and im glad he's venturing out on his own. Makes me proud. :) After we're all done stuffing our faces daniel starts talking about when I get angry how funny it is to watch me and to drive with me. I don't get angry hardly at all! And I must thank Katherine for giving me a compliment, "I can't imagine you ever getting angry, I can't picture you angry." (if that quote is off please correct me) I thought that was very kind of her to say. thank you Katherine! *hugs* Then Daniel for the next 30 minutes spent time trying to get me It didn't work. Very few things really get to me and old storys won't cut Then we all went to my house and watch a movie which Katherine couldn't stay for because she had a early day and long drive home. I'll have to give her some money for gas since she picks me up and drives me around when she comes to town. I normally am very nervous with about 95% of people i ride with. I just don't trust them, i like to be behind the wheel but she's actually a good driver. And the jeep is alot of fun. So that was my day, not to shabby i must say. Time to read, pray and workout.

My dad holding his grand-daughter Alex. Posted by Hello

My nephew, birthday boy turned 2!  Posted by Hello

me and my nephew! Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Yes, skip Sandor...

What? How many times could a person be skipped It was fun. :)

On a seprate note i did take some pictures of my nephews birthday party at our house. Oh and i have proof that I'm their favorite uncle. I asked them... Yes i did! I have it on tape. :P I'll try to get some of those posted up tonight.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Hay! hehe.

Today was an intresting one. I went to help my brother do his yard that needed help so bad. Now the yard tooks even and smooth. He raked the big rocks up and i picked up all the piles of rock. Then I sowed the seeds for the grass, fertilizer, and we then spread the stray. I was so dirty after we go done. We still have a bit left but it's not going to take us long. woohoo, for sun! My face is red..hehe. Anywho, i was so dirty that i had to take my shower in Step 1. rinse off the dirt that turned to Step 2. Wash. Step 3. Wash again. Serious i had to wash twice! Shampoo and everything. i felt like i took two showers... I did take two showers! ok. Off to bed.

He's working hard isn't he? Posted by Hello

my bro. spreading straw.  Posted by Hello

getting ready to seed. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 delicious.

Hungry as I get when i wake up i decided to make myself something healthy and awesomely delicious. So this lovely chicken sandwich will do with fresh salad on the side with cup of green tea. Doesn't that just make you hungry?

An open faced chicken salad sandwich. Posted by Hello

My salad...mmm. Posted by Hello

My prayer...

Father, I don't even know where to start. I have so many things on my mind that I have taken my mind off of you and placed on these "things" that are just insignificant when it come to you. Father i just want you to hold me. I know that in your arms alone i can be sheltered for the rain and the pain that come threw our daily lives. Jesus your the strength that keeps me on my feet when im weak. Father your everything to me. How can i not give you the glory and the honor after all the things you've done for me. How dare I not lift my voice and sing your praise and shout Hallelujahs! You know what father when i layed on my death bed, you were my healer, strong tower. When i was in trouble father you were my defender and comforter. When i had no one to turn to YOU were the friend that stuck close then a brother. How can i not praise you and lift up your name and give you glory! who am i not shout out to you lord? Father hold me, keep me in your arms of comfort and protection. You love me so much that died on the cross for me and you keep your angels of protection around me. Father when I make mistakes you are there to pick me up and clean me off. Father can you hold me? Hold me in your arms of grace. Because with out you Lord, my world collapses and there is nothing left. Father when i lay in bed at night and cry your there to comfort me through the pain because you care for me like no other. You don't care what i've done, where i've been you still love me. I can't even measure your love that you have bestowed upon me and the grace. Father without you I have no joy, no peace, no shelter, no corner stone, no friend, no convictor, no lawyer, no healer, nothing. Your EVERYTHING to me father. You forgave my sins and you know Lord I had alot of sins. I just want to say Thank you jesus! Father when i was in a financial bind you were my provider. I just want to say Thank you Jesus. Father when my friends left me you were a friend when there was no other friend. I just want to say Thank you jesus! Jesus when I'm alone and feeling down, your there with peace and joy. For that I say Thank you jesus. I love you Lord for you holding me in your arms. Thank you jesus. Thank you.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Another great night of fun. We went out to this great little mexican resturant that was pretty cheap but quite yummy. Then we got to the Palace and played a bit of pin ball with derek just killing us in it. I think his highest was 3,600,000 ish. He did very well. After getting our butts kicked by derek it was time for the movie i've been wanting to see for a while...HITCH. Man that was a great movie. I really enjoyed it. I was laughing so hard, my sides were hurting. I definatly recommend it. After the movie we grabed some coffee from the mud house and we went home. Quite a fun night. BUT there is always something intresting that goes on when i ride with On our way to the mexican resturant we stoped by Sprint store but they were closed. Well we hop in the car and the jeep won't So we call people to come pick us up and to help us get the jeep running again. So we try the clutch thing which was suggested and nothing happened. After me pushing the car up and down two times she just tries to started it and the jeeps starts up no problem. SO we came up with a theory that her jeep doesn't like me and that i wait outside the jeep until the jeep starts, then for me to get in. Well IT No problems the rest of the night. I tell you what, it's never boring when katherine and I get together. You never know what will happen. lol. Good times!

Derek working his magic on the pin ball game. He rocked our world. Posted by Hello

eating dinner! Posted by Hello

Monday, May 23, 2005

This is a coffee cake that is very light and it just melts in your mouth when you eat it. This is the cake that katherine didn't want to try...hehe. See what you missed out. :P It's quite yummy. It definitly hit the spot. I guess i get my skills from my mom. She makes some awesome desserts.

coffee cake my mom made. Posted by Hello

This is a chicken sandwich i made when i woke up. It had toasted potatoe bread with goat cheese, gray poupon, some lightly spread mayo, baby lettuce fresh from the garden and chicken. It was very yummy. I also had a side of baby lettuce with some light italian dressing.

chicken sandwich and baby lettuce Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 22, 2005

fun time!

Man, Oxygen was fun today. we talked about if gambling bad or good. Great discussion of both sides. Anywho after that we went over to Derek's house and played some spades and some played rami(rummy), i think that's how you spell it..hehe. Well spades is what i played and it was great fun. Derek and Elisha were really good competition but we managed to pull it out with a nil hand. I think though a rematch might be due because it was very intense all the way to the end. I love game that are that close. If they wouldn't have gotten so many bags they would of won too. After that we all started to go our separate ways. I stayed and talked to derek and josh until midnight about remodeling to immigration to my crazy uncle. Great story about my uncle by the way. If you want to hear just ask...hehe. going to bed. I'm actually getting a bit tired...yes, i might actually get to bed before 3-4

Redeeming picture? :D

This picture was taken right before we got pulled over. Darn you That night just cracked me up. I was going threw all my pictures because I still couldn't sleep. But i am getting more tired as the early morning goes on. I wanted to put this picture up because it's a better picture of her then, i guess, of her sleeping..hehe. I like both. I think people look very peaceful when they sleep. I just like how there is no worry, nothing. Just peace. I tend to sometimes watch people as they sleep and wonder what they dream about. haha.. I know sounds weird but it's fascinating to me. Normally these days i don't dream or i don't remember it when i wake up. I used have some really cool dreams where i was a action movie star and i actually felt like i was in a movie but it felt so real. Also had some where I was a regular "joe" and I would get beat up and my family was in danger. Then i would go learn martial arts and beat up the bad guys. Oh man, I had some good dreams... I miss them. :-/ ok I think im going to try to go to bed. Hopefuly i can sleep...

Twinkling eyes, the picture looks so cool. The black background makes her eyes stand out.
PS. I just realized that I posted this picture twice. I'm not taking it down though. :PPosted by Hello

Saturday, May 21, 2005

A blah day...

My day started out kinda of on a bad foot. I woke up at 6:15am took a shower and when i got all finished i was wanting to leave but nooo! I can't find my keys! Where i put them i didn't remember until I finally remembered that i took them with me when i rode with my brother. I left my keys in his truck. How awesome is that. Now the search began for my spare. I found it in the most obvious spot. yup, the key For some reason it was the last place i look. Anywho i was already 20 min. late since i told brandon i was going to be there at 6:50am. Anywho after the movie, which was good, we went and ate at belgium waffle house. I finally feed my craving for waffles. They were ok, nothing impressive. I think i could probably make better ones. The cool thing was the fellowship that we had. It was just nice to go out with a bunch of awesome people to chat over food. I mean what's better the food and a good conversation? After that i went and brought andrew a Caramel Macchiato as a thankyou for helping the show go so well. We talked for about an hour and then he needed to go "drop the kids off at the pole" so i decided to leave. I was tired anyways. After that i pretty much just stayed at home. Didn't do anything else. Daniel called me and wanted to do something but i told him that i was going to go out later but those plans changed also. They wanted a girls thing. Obivously im not a am i? Some may argue i am. Long story. here. Doing nothing. Slept too much. I'm so awake now. *sigh*

Eating at the belgium waffle house after SW III Posted by Hello

Man today was a long day at work. I had to get up at 7:30am and left to work at 7:45am. Didn't get home from work til about 8:45pm. We had to re-roof the front of a house and fix some of the back. Needless to say i got cooked on the roof and it was suppose to be shady. OH NOooo... no shade until about 5ish. Good job trees, way to do you job...gesss. Anywho we were going to go to the palace and watch a movie but since I take longer then most girls do in the shower we just watched Oceans 12 at my house not "mud" house. When the movie started people were falling asleep left and right. I did manage to snag a picture of one of the sleepy heads. I could of slept also but i kept getting some serious cramps in my legs. THEY HURT SOOO BAD! The last time i've had cramps this bad was when i played in a soccer tournament. My legs i think have cramped up 7 times now and counting. I hate cramps. Anywho im sleepy from this rough day. Off to bed. Whoo hoo i have to get up in 4 hours...yeah. Who doesn't like that no? I just want to sleep with my head being scratched that's all. Is that too much to ask? It just feels so good!

someone caught sleeping...muhahaha. Posted by Hello

Friday, May 20, 2005

I got home from my hair cut and i hopped on msn to see who was on and low and behold Katherine was on so we started chatting. She then invited me to go out to dinner with her friends and to watch Kingdom heaven, i think it was called. Well since she lived in bolivar and i was on her way into town she came and picked me up. She picked me up topless, in her jeep that is, and went to mr. yens to eat. Good food and we had a great waitress. After that we stoped my starbucks and picked up some coffee and headed to the theater. In the theater we had some annoying old guys behind us. The movie was out of focus also. After the movie we went to the mudhouse for some more coffee and attemped to play After they kicked us out of there we headed to steak and shake for some food because some of us were hungry. It was a blast. I got to meet a ton of cool people and had a great time doing so. The grouped seem to grow with every hour we hung out. I found that quite funny. When we went to mr. yens it was only 3 of us, then at the theater it went to 4, coffee house went to 5 and steak and shake went to 9 people. Also people kept confusing mud house with my house... i don't understand? Anywho it was a blast. Elisha we tried to call you and i think i left 2 messages to come chill with us. Sorry you missed it.

A picture right before we got pulled over...yes...we got pull over for not making a complete stop...They lie because we did make No ticket and no hassel. Posted by Hello

Driving home after a full day, a full stomac, and topless!. Posted by Hello

At steak n shake. Someone making a *cough* Katherine *cough* My friend on the left, coady. Posted by Hello

The fish in the pond. Posted by Hello

Mr. Yens outside. It was a nice day to take pictures. Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 19, 2005

wow i have really brown eyes... Posted by Hello

That's what I look like now! :) I so could be on TV. Posted by Hello

step 2. After the rinse and wash, which I almost fell asleep for, this is what i looked like. Attractive no? Posted by Hello

Step 1. That is the main color. My hair i guess is healthy and it takes a while for the color to change. So I had to wait i think it was 45 minutes. Posted by Hello

aww...he's so cool. Look at him...just makes you want to give him a hug. Posted by Hello