Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope you guys had a good one because i did. I LOVE family get togethers! I will post pictures later. So what did ya'll get this Christmas? Leave me a comment. :) Until next time...
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
3 days...
Ok ok, so I'm one of the worst procrastinaters ever. I still have 3 gifts that I have to buy and then wrap all the gift that i bought..hehe. Gesh... i just don't feel like it but I will have to. Friday will be my last chance to pick these gifts up. Saturday is when we're doing christmas this year and it starts around 2pm ish. Although i've heard that some people will show up earlier to hang out. Man I gotta get a move on! I'm such a slacker. Anybody wanna go shoping with me?
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Sad Mail
Do you guys ever get mail that kinda bumms you out? Well today, i got some mail from a old friend of mine. Two letters actaully. One letter that only say, "hello old friend, i hope this note finds you well. We will email each other soon. Happy birthday!" And the other letter that says about how she got married. I must say, part of me is really sad. I miss hanging out with her. She is a awesome person. I guess you can say after getting an email from her and then these two letters it kinda brought back feelings that i have let lie and pushed away. A little back story... Well about 7 years ago or so, she was in master commission at my home church and i was helping them out. We hung out all the time. I must say I had a blast with her. We always had something to talk about and we play a ton of sports. Late nights on AOL...ah..yes...good times. Anywho to make a long story short... She liked two guys... one was back home and yours truely. Lets just say I told her I wasn't going to be second best for anyone. And that i'm not going to be on the back burner just in case something doesn't go well. Back to the letters... Well when you get letters from someone that you cared about you start to think about the "good ol days." I'm just sad. Don't get me wrong... i'm glad she found someone and is married... I'm not quite too sure how to put it in words. I think i'll just leave it at that...
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Love the sign...

I would like to say thank you for all those that came and hung out with me on my birthday saturday. If you didn't come you missed out on alot of fun. Kim, Chad, Jona and daniel thank you very much for setting that up for me. Melody, thanks for stopping by and chillin with us after the wedding. Ahh, good times. Totally appreciate it. Much love!
Tagged again. :)
Lady of the night, lady of the night, lady of the night! I've been tagged once here are the rules. Write 5 strange things about yourself in your entry then choose some people that you would like to see do the same thing......then go to their site and type "you've been tagged" then tell them to go to your site for directions.....have fun and enjoy.......
1) SANTA is my nick name all year round not just during christmas.
2) I write poetry.(i have poetry online that is copy righted. :p)
3) When i look in someones eyes i get a "good" or "bad" "feeling", you can say, and know what kind of a person they are. Hard to explain, i just trust it.
4) I like slaping my friends butts.
5) Just being Sandor! :)
Ok there ya go. Another 5 strange things about me completed. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to post. Now who to tag...hummm...
~ The Chad
~ Joe
~ Erin
~ Courtney
~ Andrew
1) SANTA is my nick name all year round not just during christmas.
2) I write poetry.(i have poetry online that is copy righted. :p)
3) When i look in someones eyes i get a "good" or "bad" "feeling", you can say, and know what kind of a person they are. Hard to explain, i just trust it.
4) I like slaping my friends butts.
5) Just being Sandor! :)
Ok there ya go. Another 5 strange things about me completed. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to post. Now who to tag...hummm...
~ The Chad
~ Joe
~ Erin
~ Courtney
~ Andrew
Friday, December 16, 2005
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday dear Sandor.
Happy birthday to me. :D
Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday dear Sandor.
Happy birthday to me. :D
Man, last night was good times. Narnia was a good movie. We didn't quite make it to breakfast. There was some that wanted to go eat and some that didn't soooo... we just decided to go home. So here I am, writing away. Ok, nappy time.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
*Birthday Wish*
If you haven't bought me a present (not that you have to what so ever)and you want to give me something, give me some cash. I have a plan for all my birthday money that i get and that is to build me self a new computer. So i have instructed my entire family to not get me a gift but give me some cash so i can put it towards buying parts. DON'T BUY computer parts for me, i have them picked out and they are very specific. Chad thinks that i am being very impersonal but this is what im wanting. I NEVER asked for anything specific in my life for my birthday. A matter a fact i never asked for anything for my birthay. But this year im making it very easy. Cash will be perfect! That would be the best gift any person can give me for my big 2-5 years. So if you really want to get me a gift... cash would be fine...or check...or gift ceritificate to newegg. Yeah...I'm totally excited! I just bought my 250 gig hard drive and the HD processes information 3.0 gigs a sec...that's right... 3 gigs a sec. That's smoking fast! *giggles* :D
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Sunday, December 11, 2005
I bought a digital camera and i realized that i hardly ever take pictures any more. :( I love to take them but i keep forgeting too. I think so many times "that was a kodak moment..." and that is the reason i bought the camera and yet i still forget it. humm... i gotta remind myself to take it with me. :)
Friday, December 09, 2005
I don't think im going to eat at the sushi resturant again...feeling sooo sick. I threw up this morning while brushing my teeth. My whole sink was full of vomit...literally. Then i finally managed to make it to the toilet and threw up there a few times. Went up-stairs and drank some tea to help my stomach and headed off to work. After working a while it was hard to stand up just hurt too much. My stomach started to act up again so i went outside and threw up 4 times. I said forget it... i'm going home. Came home, slept from 1-4:30ish and now i have a gigantic headache. Anywho i managed to eat some soup after i woke up and doesn't seem like i need to vomit although my stomach is still hurting. Now im off to shower and watch some charlie brown's christmas since i haven't seen it. Yeah... i said it...i haven't seen charlie brown's christmas. Hopefully no more vomiting.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Ok...that's it.
Enough is enough... you "Anonymous" people start posting your name or else i'll start changing the restrictions on who can post.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
I'm a psychic.
Ok ok, if your going to get me something please don't tell me. I can guess pretty well and so far the two people that have told me that they got me something or are getting me something for my b-day I have told them what they're getting me and they were surprised that I knew. So please don't tell me. I will guess what it is more then likely or it will drive me insane that i don't know what im getting. Ok, that's all for now. Off to bed. Gotta be up in 4.5 hours. BlAgH!
Ok, ok, i was so excited today about this. 24 season 4 came out today and I got off work and flew to bestbuy to pick it up. And of course when your there you find out that family guys volume 3 is out and Fantastic 4 is also out. So what any decent human being would do, I pick them up and purchased them. :) I also ran into my friend Andrew. I told him to take my debit card from me so i won't spend any more money and i thought about it for a second and noticed his grin on his face. Nah, i'll just hold on to it. He would do my shopping for me...hehe. We love bestbuy.'s so beautiful...
Ok off to take a shower I go and then to pick up my "friend?" from her place to watch some movies. She isn't feeling very well today so I'm going to take care of her (chicken soup and whatever else she may need) and be her company. :) Anywho off i go! :p
Ok off to take a shower I go and then to pick up my "friend?" from her place to watch some movies. She isn't feeling very well today so I'm going to take care of her (chicken soup and whatever else she may need) and be her company. :) Anywho off i go! :p
Monday, December 05, 2005
Feel privileged.
For the past week I have been approached by friends that needed advice for one thing or another. I feel very honored, humbled and privileged that they chose me to talk to and express their feelings and to pour out their heart. I'm just glad that it's not me that .........
Sorry guys but i can't finish what i was going to write because as I sat here, thinking about what im going to write, listening to some worship songs, God hit me like a ton of bricks... He just gave me such burden to pray. And there is one word that *crying give me a sec.* came to me.... Surrender... That's what i keep hearing over and over. This is for someone out there. Surrender... stop running, give it to God, let him take it. Release it from your hands and put it in his. He can't do anything if you tie his hands up and not allow him to move. What is keeping you from giving it to him? He died for you Because He loved you SO much... what bigger sacrifice do you need? He's ready to listen. He's ready to embrace you. He's waiting and LONGING to hear from you. Surrender to him. Surrender it all. All you have to say is, Father, here i am. I'm giving you everything. I give you control over my heart. I surrender it all to you Father. I surrender it all. I'm going to pray, not sure who this is for but God is reaching out to you. Will you reach back?
Sorry guys but i can't finish what i was going to write because as I sat here, thinking about what im going to write, listening to some worship songs, God hit me like a ton of bricks... He just gave me such burden to pray. And there is one word that *crying give me a sec.* came to me.... Surrender... That's what i keep hearing over and over. This is for someone out there. Surrender... stop running, give it to God, let him take it. Release it from your hands and put it in his. He can't do anything if you tie his hands up and not allow him to move. What is keeping you from giving it to him? He died for you Because He loved you SO much... what bigger sacrifice do you need? He's ready to listen. He's ready to embrace you. He's waiting and LONGING to hear from you. Surrender to him. Surrender it all. All you have to say is, Father, here i am. I'm giving you everything. I give you control over my heart. I surrender it all to you Father. I surrender it all. I'm going to pray, not sure who this is for but God is reaching out to you. Will you reach back?
: ) he he he.
Can I just smile. :) sigh... yeah... all smiles...hehe. :p
*side note*
I was asked a question by a good friend on saturday night about the way i pray. "How do you talk to the Lord?" "what?" I said, the question kinda got me off guard. "How do you talk to the Lord?" she asked again. I just told her I talk to him like i talk to a close friend. I think that's how God intended us to do it. Not with "thee's" "thoust" or "wilts." He want's us to approach his thrown with knowing that we're his creation and has created each one of us in his own image. He just want's a friendship with us. Just to be close to him. I know there have been times in my life where the only words that came out were curse words because of so much frustration, betrayal, and the feeling of being the only one in the world. I'm glad that i believe in a God that allows me to express my true feeling and doesn't condemn me for it. That's how he created me ... to be expressive. Most of you know that i express my opinion doesn't matter who it is too. Anywho... This friend of mine asked me another question also but i will write about it later. I think for right now im going to bed. I'm sooo tired. Hello bed? How you doin'?
*side note*
I was asked a question by a good friend on saturday night about the way i pray. "How do you talk to the Lord?" "what?" I said, the question kinda got me off guard. "How do you talk to the Lord?" she asked again. I just told her I talk to him like i talk to a close friend. I think that's how God intended us to do it. Not with "thee's" "thoust" or "wilts." He want's us to approach his thrown with knowing that we're his creation and has created each one of us in his own image. He just want's a friendship with us. Just to be close to him. I know there have been times in my life where the only words that came out were curse words because of so much frustration, betrayal, and the feeling of being the only one in the world. I'm glad that i believe in a God that allows me to express my true feeling and doesn't condemn me for it. That's how he created me ... to be expressive. Most of you know that i express my opinion doesn't matter who it is too. Anywho... This friend of mine asked me another question also but i will write about it later. I think for right now im going to bed. I'm sooo tired. Hello bed? How you doin'?
Saturday, December 03, 2005
I've been we's the rules...
The rules: if you get tagged, you must post an entry listing 5 "weird habits" that you possess. Then, you must pick 5 more people to tag, and list their names at the end of the entry. Leave a comment on their site, saying "you've been tagged" and tell them to read your xanga for the rules.
1. I can't sit still what so ever. Something on my body has to be moving.
2. I have to wet a cup before i put water in it. Not sure why i do that but i feel more comfortable if i do.
3. I have to straighted out crooked pictures or painting on the wall.
4. I check my email all the time without even thinking about it even though i checked it a few minutes ago.
5. i kick my feet really fast under my feather blanket/comforter to warm it up faster.
Ok, people who are tagged- Mel, Andrew, kim, jona, chad.
*Quick comment*
Even though Elisha never posted on my site saying "TAG your it" or "you've been taged" I still posted mine. Elisha you rule breaker you. lol
The rules: if you get tagged, you must post an entry listing 5 "weird habits" that you possess. Then, you must pick 5 more people to tag, and list their names at the end of the entry. Leave a comment on their site, saying "you've been tagged" and tell them to read your xanga for the rules.
1. I can't sit still what so ever. Something on my body has to be moving.
2. I have to wet a cup before i put water in it. Not sure why i do that but i feel more comfortable if i do.
3. I have to straighted out crooked pictures or painting on the wall.
4. I check my email all the time without even thinking about it even though i checked it a few minutes ago.
5. i kick my feet really fast under my feather blanket/comforter to warm it up faster.
Ok, people who are tagged- Mel, Andrew, kim, jona, chad.
*Quick comment*
Even though Elisha never posted on my site saying "TAG your it" or "you've been taged" I still posted mine. Elisha you rule breaker you. lol
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Slid slid slip and slid...
Man, i've been sliping on my sleep as of late. I just can't sleep. I just lay there awake. Even if im tired..i just lay there. Usually it means that something is bothering me and it's on my mind but what? I can't figure it out. My mind is racing 1000 miles an hour. Over and over hundreds of thought, ideas, people, things i want to do, where i want to go, what im doing the next day, did i forget something. Many many things. Anywho... I got invited to go ice skating today and i must say i haven't been on the ice in 8 years and i think i did ok. I did a half of fall, not quite a full one, but it was a good try in not falling i must say with my arms flaring every which way. Surprised i didn't knock kim out or one of the little kids skating about. Good times good times. Sushi night was intresting non the less because we not only had some new peeps show up but also tried new food. Yummy. Jona had a delightful platter which i think i will get next time we go. Quite scrumptious i must say. Especially with that sauce. Also Counter-strike was frecken funny. I had a high ping, for those of you in not gaming it's not good, and i was massacuring them with my p90 which you NEVER use because it's a horrible gun. Well anywho the other team was talking smack because they one their side 12-3 and then we switch sides and I tore them a new butt hole. They got so upset that they were losing that they didn't even finish the scrim and I couldn't stop laughing. the final score was 17-13, us. Ok, off to bed. Yippee (layers and layers of sarcastic pleasure) for 13 hours of sleep for this week... sleeping in. One more day of work YES! Ok, off i go!!! One of these days alice...ONE OF THESE DAYS! *POW!* Right in the kisser!