Monday, January 30, 2006
Ok, so we had a match tonight. Totally ticked me off. We played horrible, ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE! But some how, some way, it's my fault we played bad. WHAT THE HECK! If we didn't practice for this match what do you expect to happen? God this ticks me off. Oh yeah, and NOT practicing is my fault too? I'm on EVERY NIGHT! EVERY NIGHT! Playing. Who's not on? Oh yeah... the other players. And When they do get on we might only have 2 out of the 5 that start! I'm sick of this non-dedication of the other players. SCREW IT! I'm fed up with it! Every team i've played on that's what killed it. People not getting on, not going over strats, not scimaging, not comunicating, and then it just goes to crap! We are good, WE can be playing with the BEST! But not like this. No way, no how. I'm going to have to talk to them. If this continues, im going to find another team to play with. This is pathetic! Unexceptable! Not from US. I know our talents and how each player plays and what move each person makes. I'm just udderly discusted by tonight. This is a team lose! Hope this give us a wake up call because i don't know what will. Score tonight...26 them - 4 us. Just wow... I can't even put that score in to words. I'm left speechless.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Phone calls.
I love getting phone calls from friends i haven't talked to in a while and tell you that they were thinking about you and decided to give you a ring. It's an awesome feeling. I also love phone calls that have substance and just a great conversation. Now what i don't like is pointless phone calls. DRIVES ME UP THE WALL!!! Ok let me clearify. I don't like phone calls about someone calling me up to ask me if i remember a song from way back when and then i reply "yes,why?" and then they say it's on the radio.... and thats it. Pointless call, could have told me that later whenever we meet up. Another example is getting a call and then them acting like you called them. I mean..come on people...gesh. Just get frustrated. Sometimes i don't even want to answer, but everyone should know my phone is on 24/7 just in case any one needs any help. There have been times where i have had calls in the wee hours of the morning, accidents (2:00am), allow them to come take a shower (5:00am), driving home from work at 5:30am, and that is some of the reasons i keep my phone on. If you need me, im pretty much there. So i hope now you guys know that if you need anything. My phone is on and avalible. But don't call me at wee hours of the morning to tell me you saw a deer or a you heard a song on the radio. Come on people...use your noggin.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
I'm having a brain fart. I have know idea what to say. things are going well for the most part. I keeping busy. Got ditched yesterday, no bigs, crap happens, life goes on. I'm tring to encourage a friend to break up with his girl friend but he doesn't have the balls to do it. Feel bad for him and hate to see him dealing with this crap. Sorry, i know im keeping a many out in the dark. I'm trying to keep it vague. Anywho, I got some new posters up in my living room, my friend daniel bought me a frame for my citizenship certificate. I have it on my desk but i need to put it on the wall somewhere. Any ideas? I'm also thinking about maybe buying some more poster cases and maybe hanging up some banners. Not sure where. I could use some help with that. Anyone wanna help? Of course the poster cases will have to wait until i get some money. Right now money is tighter then a fiddle string stretched across a cats butt. I guess that's all for now. Oh and if you have ideas to make my basement cooler,not as in temperature cool, let me know.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
A bit bummed out while laughing...
Sooooo... today was one of those days. I got up this morning ok, got ready for woke, went upstairs to eat breakfast and my day was on a smooth road. I even got to work on time! lol. The tide began to turn though... I was walking around the site talking with my brother about what we were going to do. So when we got the bricks to lay the brick ledge, i start to mix the mortar and i slashed a ton of water/mortar mix on me. No biggs brushed that off and worked on. Then i started to lay the brick and one time i reached for a brick and my foot sliped and fell. Then my brother and I picked up the tub of mortar to move it and i triped on a rock. The mortar was all over my face! In my hair, covered my eye's, and even went in my mouth! I tell you want mortar does NOT taste like chicken. I had to wait for my brother to get a bucket of water so i can wash my face and brush the huge spot of mortar off my leg. After we were done i went to wash the tools. After i washed the shovel i went to put it on the sidewalk and my foot sank in the mud and covered it completely. I have holes in my shoe so the mud and water were in my shoe...ewww. Finally got home around 6:30ish and took off my pants, shoes, socks, and headed to take a shower. Well I turn on the water and guess what? No hot water! Grrrr... so i decide to go and check my email while the hot water heats up some more water and i get a email from a admin that is from CAL saying that I have incorrect screenshots and i'm supended from CAL for 4 weeks! 4WEEKS!!! I was missing only ONE, 1, stinken screen shot and i didn't even know we had to take that one! Ticked me off. So, im sitting here writing this, thinking about my day and laughing at it. Because that's all i can do. Thank God laughter is good medicine for the body...
Monday, January 23, 2006
Offical season match.
Ok,so the offical season has started and we won our first match. It was against a team that was sponsered by BFG Technologies and Titanium 6. We beat them on the ct side 8-7 and then on t side 9-6 for a final score 17-13 win for us. Anywho, something intresting has happened after the match. I got a letter from the cal league that said that our match was being disputed because they ,the other team, thought r^Santa, me, was hacking. When i read that i just cracked up laughing. So i had to get all my demo's and screenshots and upload it so they can review me and see if i cheated, which i never cheated in my life in 1.6 or source. That just cracks me up that a team that is sponsered by huge companies gets beat by us and accuse me of cheating. Oh man, I'm on cloud 9, lol. All skills baby! Eat that riatz! :p I'm going to make videos of the cal-matches and post them up here as soon as i get a couple of programs where i can edit them. Anywho you also only get 2 disputed the whole season and too bad for them they wasted one. :)
Saturday, January 21, 2006
My Baby...
Lol... not as in a real baby, silly people, although i think i would make a good father one day, but I got my projector back this week and im frecken excited! I was already able to help someone out by having my projector back. My nephew was over at my house the other day and he was begging to watch a movie on my screen...hehehe. he's so cute. So i let him pick out a movie and he picked "A bug's life." Great movie. Well he was suppose to also fall asleep watching it but that didn't quite work out that way. He wanted to watch another movie...hehe. Anywho did i mention infocus is Great! I got my projector back in great condition and on top of it all they not only updated my projector from version 1.7 to 2.2 but i think they also replaced my bulb too because my counter was on zero! Usually when the counter is on zero you have a new bulb. Thank you God for giving me two free bulbs that normally would have cost me $1100. God is so awesome. Anywho night is becoming day so i'm off to bed. Busy day tomorrow. Alot of running around. Seems like that never ends...
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Started thinking...
Ok, so I went to a friends site and read her blog. She posted about getting closer to God and being in his presence. So that got me thinking. I wonder how many people work so hard to do things for God but yet that is not what God wants them to do. People, I think, try to do many thing for God and yet they neglect the ONE main ingredient and that's God! We gotta get this project done or we gotta do that out reach or this ministry and yet God is sitting there waiting for us to listen. I don't know about you but i much rather listen for God and work WITH God,instead of working For God. When your working with God things fall into place, people show up to help, people see his love, and most importantly the message of Christ is made known. "It's not by strength or by power but by His spirit", and i can give you a example. My very most beloved friend Tim Ligon was putting in his resume to be a pastor and on one of his trips his wife and him were driving there. And as they're traveling God gives them peace and comfort about the whole thing. that's even before they get there! Well when they arrive in this small town he goes to the church, the whole interview process, and gets voted in 5 out of 5 people. Funny thing is that's how many people were at his church when he start, 5. Now he's running a worship team, youth group, youth event, and many other things and his church is in the upper 70 and maybe more. One of my prayers is that God will bless him and continue to do his work through tim and eniko and everytime i call him, the church is growing and God is doing some awesome things! Working with God... what a concept. I can do all things through christ who give me strength. I hope you guys out there take some time to check yourselves... are you working for God or are you working With God? I pray that we are working with Him.
Elisha's comment on Blah...
Trust me if I catch a cheater...the same thing will happen. We had a command on our server to deal with cheaters. It was the admin_F***you command (it was writen and named by a non-christian mind you) and if a cheater showed up on our server may God have mercy on their Counter-Strike. What this particular command did was mess up their Counter-Strike where they couldn't play anymore. They could disconnect from the server, re-install the game, and you still couldn't play. You can say we "hacked" their computer as some would say. I just love hearing the hackers come back and whine and beg us to fix their game for them...To bad... no fix. You shouldn't be cheating in the first place. Learn the game, practice and get better by playing with better people then yourself. I've played for 5 possibly 6 years and I get called a hacker but 'tis not true. Never loaded a cheat, hack, script of any sort on my pc. All skills baby! I love getting banned from a server because they think i cheat. Brings a smile to my face. That's why i compete. It's more about team work then skill but haveing skills helps. Aaah good times.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Man, today was just a blah day... I even got all warmed up for cs and nothing...they all decided to leave after hopping on. What the heck!? Totally upset me. So all my plans ruined. Now i'm just sitting here...bored. Pondering to go to bed or not at 10:51pm... pretty early for me. Anywho...sigh...
Monday, January 16, 2006
We won again tonight 22-8 and on the terrorist side, the hardest side mind you, we played 4 on 5. One man down. We won 9-6 on terrorist side and 13-2 on counter-terrorist side. Oh man, good match. So our record is 2-0. ME SO EXCITED. *jumps for joy* hehehe. In our division we're ranked 2nd now and out of 769 teams we're 18th. Not to shabby. :D
Saturday, January 14, 2006

Well i must say im not good at farcry or halo but i sure did better as the night went on. I went over to a friends house last night, Andrew, i really missed hanging out with him. Such a cool dude. Anywho, we all got together, about 14 of us, and hooked up two x-boxes and played halo, farcry and then late in the evening we switched to mario cart double dash. Fantastic game! I was tonz better at mario kart. Andrew and I were battling it out for first place and i know of two instences where we are raming each other and sliding through the finish with wheels interlocked. lol...good times. It's always great to get friends together and hang out. I think we enjoyed our comments more then the games Courtney, a good friend of mine, she has this thing where she writes little quotes that we say while playing games. When she read them back to us it was hilarious. It's just amazing what we say while gaming...hehe.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Confucius say "A apple hard to eat when 15 feet up in tree."
Aaaah yes some random food for thought. Not exactly sure what to write about. I can write about Counter-strike source I guess. Let you guys in on the gaming world that i've played in for 5-6 years now. Our Cal team (Cyberathlete Amateur League) is ranked 11 out of 197 teams in our division. Last monday was our fist win of the season. We played very well together on a hard map. We might also pick up a sponser from town. Geekers downtown, hopefully. If anyone else knows of any companies that might be willing to sponser our team please let me know. We've talked to Geekers about a public server (where players from across the world can play, private server (where we play our matches), and a ventrilo server (where we talk online while we're playing the game). We're suppose to hear back from them today. I'm kinda excited. One of our players helped them to put the computer and network together. So we're hoping that will get us those. Anyways, i'll keep you guys informed on our matches and sponsers. Until then keep us in your prayers so we can win. It may be silly for most of you guys out there but it is one of my passions. If you know me for any length of time I do take the game seriously and am pretty good. I even had one guy offer me to fly to NY, pay for my hotel and play on they're team for a LAN tournament. I want our team to succeed and get to the point where we get paid to play. Yes i said... Paid to play. There are guys our there that are making over 40,000 a year to play on the team. Not to mention get flown all over the world and play teams from China, sweden, germany, well you get the picture. But one step at a time. As of now we have to start...again... at the bottom and work our way up. I believe we can make it.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Ok guys I did another video and i think im getting the hang of this editing stuff...hehe. You gotta check out the credits! lol. I added music! :) yippee for me. I think i need a better editing program though. I feel limited with the one im using. Any suggestions? Anywho hope you guys are enjoying my video's. Let me know if you want to see more, i'll start posting more videos. Another early morning...gesh.

<----click on the picture.
If you guys want to check out they're site it's pretty cool.

<----click on the picture.
If you guys want to check out they're site it's pretty cool.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
For Zoe and ALL her Fans!
Here you go, you Rock Star you! It took me till 4:33 am to figure out how to post this on here. Lots of reading but i finally got it. :) Please spread the word of this fantastic musician and the band she plays in. Justin you guys rock! Zoe you did a great job on your song. Keep on keeping on JLB!

--- Click on the picture or here---
I'll try to get a better video next time. Or maybe a exclusive? hummm... I think that's a great idea. Can i have a exclusive? Ok i think it's time for me to go to bed. Church comes too soon... :(
*edit* After adjusting everything so it will look good on my blog it's exactly 5am...bed is calling my name now.

--- Click on the picture or here---
I'll try to get a better video next time. Or maybe a exclusive? hummm... I think that's a great idea. Can i have a exclusive? Ok i think it's time for me to go to bed. Church comes too soon... :(
*edit* After adjusting everything so it will look good on my blog it's exactly 5am...bed is calling my name now.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Bye bye projector...
Gesh... About a year ago last christmas i bought myself a projector, because I LOVE movies. I used to manage a movie theater here in town, don't anymore, but i still wanted to "watch it on the big screen." ANYWHO, my bulb went out on me right at 500 hours when the warrenty is over. So I called up infocus and they sent me a brand new spanken bulb no charge. I must say that their customer service is FANTASTIC. Not because they sent me a new bulb but because we tryed all sorts of stuff to see what's wrong with it and why it went out so soon. Very nice people. Well, a couple of nights ago we watched "Phantom of the Opera" and "Hotel Rwanda" both great movies. My "replace lamp" came on again at 394 hours. Those bulbs are frecken expensive. $500! The bulb now only has 400 hours on it and it's suppose to last 2000 hours and it starts dimming then. Gesh... So this morning I called infocus up and they are wanting me to send them my projector because they said that the projector is triggering something that brings that warning up. At the moment im in the process of sending my projector off to infocus for them to fix that vexatious problem. Grrrr! So who knows how long we won't be able to watch a movie at my place. :( But when I get it back...MOVIE NIGHT!
Disclaimer: Movie night is not exclusive to movies alone. Movie night includes, movies, fellowship, vicious game of Mrs. Pacman, food and drinks. If your disapointed then I'm sorry but please feel free to take it up with God and i'll see you at the alter on sunday morning. Mrs. Pacman may cause serious injuries and is also known to cause noise violations. Not liable for any injuries before, during or after your round of Mrs. Pacman. The lose of turn may apply if not in proper order as originally placed. Playing the Mrs. Pacman may cause headaches, blurry vision, disgruntlement, dissatisfaction, irritation, ill-humor, shame, violence toward objects, redness in face and disillusionment. Mrs. Pacman is played at your own risk.
Disclaimer: Movie night is not exclusive to movies alone. Movie night includes, movies, fellowship, vicious game of Mrs. Pacman, food and drinks. If your disapointed then I'm sorry but please feel free to take it up with God and i'll see you at the alter on sunday morning. Mrs. Pacman may cause serious injuries and is also known to cause noise violations. Not liable for any injuries before, during or after your round of Mrs. Pacman. The lose of turn may apply if not in proper order as originally placed. Playing the Mrs. Pacman may cause headaches, blurry vision, disgruntlement, dissatisfaction, irritation, ill-humor, shame, violence toward objects, redness in face and disillusionment. Mrs. Pacman is played at your own risk.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
HAPPY NEW YEARS *pictures*
Pictures from New Years down in Branson. We stayed at a 4 bedroom and 4 bath condo. Quite fun i must say so myself.

One of the most vicious games of "Mrs. Pacman" We've ever played.
There you guys go. There were a few other things that i wish i could have gotten a picture of but camera's can't do that at the moment. For example getting a noise disturbance call on us at 10:30 On new years eve for crying out loud...who goes to bed at 10:30pm on new years eve! Of course the lady on the phone was cracking up when she told us that because she thought it was rdiculous. All the noise was from us playing "mrs. Pac Man Yelling out direction for the person playing... "turn, run, RUN, their right behind you, go through the tunnel, THE TUNNEL!!!" and "what kind of crap is that? You just went through the bad guy!?! that's so gay because your pulling all sorts of crap out of your butt."*room fills with laughter* Good times,good times...Can't wait til next new years! It's already planned out.
Sorry guys I've been busy with the holiday season but i'll get some pictures up from christmas and new years. Have a HAPPY New Years!